EWS was messianic film by Kubrick about fidelity and the 7 deadly sins. It Exposed the Antichrist. Spielbergo made Kubrick’s last film AI. He named the Messiah Average Joe, like the lodger in Alex De Large’s parents house.
I’m Joe Bosko. THe son of the boss. Christ was Ben Yeshua and I’m Ben David the boy robot doll in AI is named after. I know I’m a shitty replacement for the First Christ but i am a good teacher. 9/11 was a repeat of the turning of the bankers tables. 2001 a WTC odyssey.
Ripley’s believe it or not
Gigolo Joe is not a true likeness. I’m faithful to Portuguese hex GF…but she has a suspicious mind.
she is going for braganza hair…wants to be a queen instead of a peasant’s daughter….joe is peasant of croatia