Illuminati Symbolism in Lights’ Up We Go

Lights Illuminati Logo

Hi hi hi there, my little droogies. This is a post about Canadian singer Lights.

The video starts out in an elevator. You can see Lights’ all seeing eye logo in the background.

Lights Illuminati Atlas

Some wrestlers get on the elevator and fight it out over Lights’ great beauty. The wrestler on the left is the alpha male and the one on the right is the beta male. They want to give Lights the ol’ in out real savage. They are too busy fighting each other to run game on Lights. Game is finished. Every young devotchka has read the book by Neil Strauss.


Atlas is an Illuminati symbol. David Rockefeller, the starry vek who rules America, is a big Ayn Rand fan. He reads the book “The Virtue of Selfishness” to his children every night.

Lights Rosary

Next a ptitsa and her boyfriend get on the elevator at level 6. 6 corresponds to the tarot card the lovers. She wears a rosary as she fornicates. This bird has no shame.

Rosary Winehouse

The 150 “Hail Marys” of the full rosary were originally intended to represent the 150 psalms. You might remember Amy Winehouse, the drunken yahoodi singer wore the rosary. It was in style to wear a rosary last decade, this one not so much.

Lights Lion Tattoo

Lights has a lion tattoo that represents Jesus. Jesus is Lights’ savior. I can see myself doing the tolchoking and nailing in. I’d like to drive in the brokve. Especially to all these false messiahs like Russell Brand, Kanye West, Bono and Brad Pitt (Shiloh).

Light Logo

Only Christus Rex is the real messiah. He took away the pain in my gulliver with his naturopathic remedies. PRAISE BOG!

Light Hogs and Sheep

Floor 12 is where the stockbrokers get their rooker full of money. There are two types of losing traders to the bears and bulls, hogs and sheep. Baa! Baa! They bleat as the stock goes down or up and they lose their hard earned novce to these swindlers.

Lights Illuminati Eye Up We Go

Now we get to the highlight of the video. Lights is on Floor 13 with Lucifer’s all seeing oka. What goes on, on floor 13?

Floor 13 Game

This is a democracy! We can’t just let people who don’t like us walk around without hassling them!” The above quote probably sums up your role in Floor 13 rather succinctly. You play the role of the director general of intelligence for the British government although on paper you’re the “director of fishing and agriculture”

Play this game now.

Here is the full video. Until next time my brothers and only friends.

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6 thoughts on “Illuminati Symbolism in Lights’ Up We Go

  1. I’m glad you realize I am the real savior little Alex. Let us pray:

    GLORIA PATRI, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

  2. Hoo aah! Light is covered in tattoos. One step closer to her soul being mine. Jesus is against tattooing. Why do you have to be such stick in the mud?

  3. [img][/img]

    Smite all these false messiahs Christus Rex. David Beckham has a tattoo of Jesus with his own face. He is a false savior. Do you want me to tolchock him? Get me away from these doctors Jesus. I’ll do anything you ask.

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