Things you can discuss on RooshV Forum :
-Meeting women with the intention of entering a relationship with them
-Attracting women
-Going on dates
-How to enter relationships
-Using technology to meet women
-How to maintain relationships
-Sexual activity while married
Things you can no longer discuss:
-Meeting women with the intention of fornicating with them
-How to bang
-Physical intimacy with women you’re not married to beyond the act of kissing
-Maintaining relationships with multiple women (i.e. spinning plates)
-Cheating on significant others (adultery)
-Using technology to fornicate
-Discussion of travel destinations which are best for fornication
-Stories of sexual activity while not married
-Promoting masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.
U birthed me in a sack of hate AJ. Look how well the 1915 Ludavico treatment worked on Roosh V rape apologist. As Alexander Farrell says in Winter’s Tale it’s a small miracle.
Brad Pitt’s kiss vs Maitreya’s kiss in Herman Hesse Sidhartha book.
Govinda feels deep love for Siddhartha and bows to him. Siddhartha’s individual path to enlightenment comes into focus as a whole. He has not mimicked the path of any other yet his enlightenment is of the same quality as the Buddha’s. … Siddhartha tells him to come close and kisses his forehead.
see maple canadian leaf shirt…Pitt’s enlightenment is brutal & painful
pitt your family psalm 15…..33 million for antique or 33 pitt households…real messiah gives bread to those who fear him in psalms.
i can read pitt family collective spirit. lend them money without interest yeezus pslalm 15
i used word replacer to change hate into love…people love and hate
ultra violent channel zero
channel orange is better
forrest gump song is good