Check out Beyonce’s Baphomet ring during a performance at Coachella. Has Beyonce sold her soul to the Devil for fame and fortune? No one forced her to sign that recording contract.
Jay Z is rumored to be a master mason and Beyonce rarely talks about God nowadays. Has Beyonce turned to the dark side? She is also wearing a rosary and has a song called Ave Maria on her album. Is Beyonce evil or just quasi-evil? Maybe Beyonce is the margarin of evil. The diet coke of evil. Only one calorie, not evil enough.
Theories on the etymology of the Baphomet are many. To some it is believed to be a corruption of the Moslem prophet “Mahomet” or in English Mohammed. The Templars fought along side Moslem Assassins during their time and it is held that they may have adopted Islamic beliefs. This doesn’t really hold water to anyone familiar with Islam as the religion forbids all forms of idolatry.
Another train of thought is that Baphomet is really a joining of two Greek words meaning absorption into wisdom. In either case the fact remains that the Templars were accused of practicing their initiations and rituals in front of a large idol of the demon Baphomet.
How did this belief come to be? Since King Philip of France sought to own the vast Templar wealth, he along with his puppet Pope Clement V had the Templars captured and tortured. During these tortures they made many confessions, among these, the disclosure that they had worshipped an idol said to be the Baphomet. Were these claims true? Perhaps we’ll never know. Jacques de Molay, who had earlier confessed his and the Templars guilt slowly burned at the stake insisting the order was innocent of all but one offence, that of allowing torture to cause them to lie and confess untruths.
Learn te spell first and then come back to talk with the grown ups you idiot.
@Kabilach Satanic Priest says:
I’m not afraid, mediocre nor religious. I am aware though that there are certainly a lot of satanists in high places. So it’s not really a matter of what my believes are but it’s the believes of people like you that matter. People who think they have the right to decide for others. I don’t accept any person’s authority over my own and I’m ready to fight and die for my freedom.
Free world or not, the hold the illumini have over the supposed “free” world is attempting to bring down the freedom by any means neccesary. They controll our money, government, and our music industry. By going against the church (whether the god is real or not) attacking it and bringing the biggest religion down will be a pretty big chatastrophie to the world. that why this is such a big deal. but through little planned events, they are taking over the world slowly but surely. i know that sounds corny, but they do have insane control and power.
Satanist and the illuminati are two different things. the satinist are pretty much worshiping satan not going against the church. the illuminati are for satan, yes. But they are attempting to ruin the church. they arents hoisting demons. but selling their souls to satan for fame and fortune, but they must represent him and drive human innocence into representing satan without even knowing.
He, Satanist are for Satan they worship the devil 100%. I’ll give you biblical history on how Satanism came about. Satanism is the oldest religion of devil worship since, the time when King Solomon King David’s youngest son fell into idolatry and sleeping with immoral women. The Hexagram a symbol Satanists use to practice their occult witchcraft religions is used to cast spells on people. The Bible is your supernatural tool to fight against and take out Satan, his demons representations of the dark forces. Scripture says, “For We wrestle not, against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. Against the rulers of darkness, against spiritual wickedness in high places. You are going up against Satan and his legion hosts of demons that are putting out the lying satanic messages of the Illuminati, idol worship of celebrities, and the clothing lines containing Satanic images. The music, movies, and video games and other advertisements guys and girls you should also, research. Satan is really doing a evil job of deceiving and mind-controlling as many as he can. The Bible does state that the very elect will be deceived this is happening now in the last days and during the time of the Antichrist “The Beast” he will appear as a man of peace as Revelations history states. The Antichrist is Satan’s representative, the Bible’s definition says Antichrist-Satan’s final opponent of Christ and Christians which is true. The Antichrist is opposed to everything that God is, what he does, and his plans for Gods saints. Jesus Christ is the Shepherd, we are his sheep, Satan is the Wolf trying to mislead, destroy and devour the sheep, and his demons are also wolves trying to destroy and eliminate. My brothers and sister Saints are also, sheep of Christ spreading the gospel of truth against the “god of this world” Satan himself. We are to witness, pray for, address, and represent Christ well. This is spiritual warfare guys.
Chris Kevin, you cannot get a camel out of your ass with a needle. The Bible was invented by the jews, and the jews are after your gentile ass. So you can’t use the Bible for your spiritual warfare against satanists-illuminati-aliens-serpents-reptilians-thieves-lying-banking-jews because the Bible is a kundalini neutraliser for gentiles like Rat Stop glue is to rats who think the fracking glue is a company car or something and get caught. Get it? And you’re too late for this war anyway. They’ ve won it already and that’s why sites like this one prosper for “entertainment only”. So take my piece of negroid poop stirring advice and shout “Long Live Humanity!” when your time comes to go down the gutter.
no one gives a frack what religion jay z or beyonce is.only a few americans who are stupid enough to think that jay z and beyonce are some kind of devil prophets.let me tell you,they are not gonna change my love for God even if i listen to their music so why bother about their religion.if they worship whatever that is, they will have to face their own concequences,not any one of you
Bey……is satan & praise the devil. She is not normal person, i hope one day she talk about this devil & her persenality. Pls all people praise the lord. Jesus is lord & the king of king…. Yesterday,today & forever.
When you write you should be Honest. Prophet Mohammed was the enemy of Satan. We Muslims are true believers of god. We believe in Christ and Moses and all prophets of god. If you are clever enough, you should know that the Baphomet is the made by the invention of the followers of Satan who are now mostly Jews. We believers of God are fighting against Satan and you support us. I hope you will correct what you wrote about Mohammed peace upon him
whare can i get baphomet ring & sprite.?