Cult of Personality: Gandhi


Q: Let’s talk “Messiah Complex.” How did you develop this show?

A: I’ve reached a point in my career where I felt I could write about whatever I wanted to, so I thought, “Why not write about what actually interested me?” I wanted to write about who inspired me, and why they inspired me, but also why they are relevant to society today … people like Gandhi, Che Guevara, Malcolm X, Jesus Christ — and how figures like that changed the world. It’s an essay on meaning.

Q: Why do icons such as Jesus and Gandhi inspire you? Why are their stories so important?

A: What is important about all the icons … are that they represent the possibility for change. They all represent opposing masses against an elite enemy — whether it’s Gandhi against the British Empire, or Malcolm X against the oppressive racists, or Christ against Roman Imperialism. They’re all about the emancipation of human beings, the freedom of human beings.

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Mika Brzezinski & Morning Joe Messiah

Mika Brzezinski is the daughter of diplomat and political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as adviser to both Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter.
“History is much more the product of chaos than of conspiracy”
― Zbigniew Brzezinski

JOE SAYS: “History is much more the product of conspiracy than of chaos”


Between 2 ages = 9/11 the Age of Aquarius

Grand Chessboard = Balkan Pawn Politics

The New Age of the Technotronic super soldiers, soldiers without borders, with microchips and nanobots in their veins.

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Russell Brand Calls The Queen By Her Family Name

Russell Brand White Space Christ

Russell Brand made a post on his Facebook page saying this, ”I mean in England we have a Queen for frack’s sake. A Queen! We have to call her things like “Your Majesty” YOUR MAJESTY! Like she’s all majestic, like an eagle or a mountain. She’s just a person. A little old lady in a shiny hat – that we paid for. Or “Your Highness”! What the frack is that?! What, she’s high up, above us, at the top of a class pyramid on a shelf of money with her own face on it. We should be calling her Mrs Windsor. In fact that’s not even her real name, they changed it in the war to distract us from the inconvenient fact that they were as German as the enemy that teenage boys were being encouraged, conscripted actually, to die fighting. Her actual name is Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

“Mrs Saxe-Coburg-Gotha”!! No wonder they fracking changed it. It’s the most German thing I’ve ever heard – she might’ve well as been called “Mrs Bratwurst-Kraut-Nazi”.


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