Sherlock Holmes Film

Sherlock Holmes

The new Sherlock Holmes film featuring Robert Downey Jr. pits the Victorian detective against the villainous Lord Blackwood and involves an occult order known as the Temple of the Four Orders.

While the Temple of the Four Orders is an invention of the film, it clearly draws from sources such as the Freemasons and the Golden Dawn. Indeed, publicity concerning the film repeatedly compares Blackwood to onetime Golden Dawn member , although i personally find such a comparison to be rather stretching things.

Regardless, I have to applaud the film writers for doing a bit of homework! While occult scribbles abound throughout the film, there’s no references to Satan or demons. (A couple quick images of Baphomet are seen, but those are historically appropriate.) Imagery does include sphinxes, alchemical symbols, pentagrams and crosses, all of which make sense for a 19th century occult group. Their uses of layered symbolism in complex images likewise is congruent with what real world magical orders were creating at the time.

In short, the film largely abandons the usual exaggerated hysterics and instead builds a relatively believable occult group, while of course taking certain liberties for the good for the story.

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Guy Ritchie Interviews Bob and Zoh

Guy Ritchie

Filmaker Guy Ritchie (yes, Madonna’s husband) contacted us this summer saying he’d picked up a copy of Founding Fathers, Secret Societies and found it most intriguing. After chatting with Dr. Bob for an hour about the Great Seal and the Kabbalah, Bob put him on the phone with Zoh, since she’s the Kabalah expert in the family.

A few days later they were on their way to New York City to meet Guy and spend a few hours filming their conversations for his new documentary on spirituality and secrets. He was most intrigued by the repetition of the number 13 on the design of the one dollar bill.

American Dollar Bill

We also connected Guy to our good friend, David Ovason, who got to meet with both Guy and Madonna a few days later in London. Ovason observed how difficult it must be to have such deep interest in these arcane matters while carrying the karma of living “so much in the forefront of a public life which, in the present age, has been so carefully designed to pull the soul towards superficial ephemera..”

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