The Love Saga of George W Bush

W is the one stuck in the closet, not Tom Cruise. Don’t be fooled by SPs (South Parkers)
The King of the West (Scarface movie cover drug dealer suit)
The term ‘born again‘ refers to a new birth, or beginning. Do you have to be born again to be a Christian?
“Bosnian Croat war crimes convict dies after taking ‘poison’ in U.N. court”



In the Last age Christ Jesus had 12 disciples. Now, in the End Times, there are 144,000 male and female Christs. 72,000 females and 72,000 males. Christa & Balder are the main teachers of the 144,000

Dona eis requiem

Padre Illuminat

et pax aueterna


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Arkells: Whistleblower

This is an interesting video on MTV right now by the Arkells. It’s about a CIA whistleblower in Langley, Virginia. The band plays the whole song inside a glass pyramid. It also makes references to the hidden hand of freemasonry.


Words, they keep dropping.
They keep spilling from my hands on to paper.
I’m in Virginia.
It’s 3am and I can’t fall asleep.

Just a little bit of faith is what I want,
it’s what I need in my institutions.
So I wait, so patiently…

But when it happens, over and over…
Can we hear it for the whistleblower?

Wait! Won’t you look around you?
Won’t you look beside you now and figure out the score?
Read. Skim down the front page and you’ll see my given name presenting yours.

You can say it any way you want.
you can frame it any way you can.
But I can tell you I’ve read the fine print written by your steady hand.

You can say it any way you want.
you can frame it anyway you can.
What’s behind your good intentions…
On your heart, a hidden hand?

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