Megan Fox: Owned by the Studio

Megan Fox - Monarch

Megan Fox’s creepy Marilyn Monroe tattoo. Marilyn, the original Presidential model.

Is Megan Fox owned by Fox studios? Is Fox her real name? I remember seeing her on the Family Channel before her plastic surgery. She seems to idolize Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was the first sex slave to reach celebrity status. Since the days of Marilyn Monroe the studios have been breeding monarchs to work at the studio.

Megan’s tattoo says: “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies.” I think this quote means we will all laugh at the MK Ultra sex slaves in Hollywood. Megan is Angelina Jolie’s replacement just like Selena Gomez is the original Selena’s replacement. Megan married the Jew from Beverly Hills 90210 Brian Austin Green. Do you think she loves him for his wigger rap video or because he has her programming instructions from Fox Studios?

Although I’ve never felt the need to Jake to topless pics of Megan Fox, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all wanted to shtup Megan. Dr. Fishman says he really like her tukus and if I ever meet her in the club he’s got a special dose of GHB for me to put in her drink. Meet me at the club Megan! Bottle full of bub!

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Vanessa Hudgens’ Monarch Tattoo

Vanessa Hudgens Monarch Tattoo

Disney’s Vanessa Hudgens gets a butterfly tattoo on her neck. Victims of monarch programming like to get butterfly tattoos.

Since the 1970s most Monarch victims have no longer been tattooed but wear butterfly barrettes, large butterfly ear rings, pins, necklaces, bracelets, or embroidered insignias. Illuminati Monarch slaves often do not have any tattoos because their bodies have to be blemish free to be qualified for the higher ranks within the Illuminati.

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Angelina Jolie’s MK-Ultra Movie Salt Deciphered

The movie starts out with the Illuminati Goddess Columbia holding the torch of illumination.

Then Jolie is blinded in one eye like Jesus in Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ.

Salt stands for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.

The Jolie-Pitt household is full of BUGS. Not six legged bugs but the CIA type of bugs. I think with the advent of nanotechnology the CIA has undetectable methods of surveillance through microscopic bugs with audio and video.

Oleg Orlov is based on Dmitry Orlov the Russian Jew who is predicting the collapse of the American Empire.

In this scene we have a monarch butterfly. Monarch is the CIA sex slave mind control program. Victims have a beta (sex-kitten) alter ego.

In this scene the ceiling makes a giant eye with a pupil and iris.

Orlov displays the Master’s Ring for the Soviet version of MK-Ultra.

In Salt Lee Harvey Oswald is called a progeny of the Soviet version of MK-Ultra.

Soviet version of MK-Ultra children in training.

Kissing the masters ring. Note the saints in the background.

Leonid Brezhnev was in power during the heydays of MK-Ultra

Probably a Heil Hitler (88=HH) to Sydney Gottlieb the Jewish doctor who was head of the MK-Ultra program in the 70’s.

A young agent Salt after trauma based programming.

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