Do u want a Croatian Giant to protect U Adriana? I can make it happen.
Boy: You can’t treat the working man this way. One day we’ll form a union and get the fair and equittable treatment we deserve. Then we’ll go too far, and get corrupt and shiftless and the Japanese will eat us alive! Mr. Burns’ Grandfather: The Japanese!? Those sandal-wearing goldfish tenders? Bosh! Flimshaw! Years Later Mr. Burns: If only we’d listened to that boy, instead of walling him up in the abandoned coke oven.
how to reproduce. eyes wide shut slavs usually marry their handlers. these pornstar never reproduce. Trump is prime example of the Nicole Kidman movie stepford wife.
christ cross is supposed to protect her.from illuminati rothscar pyramid
Metallica frontman James Hetfield got in touch with Vancouver Island resident Dee Gallant after she used the song ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ to scare mountain lion.
1.courageous behavior, especially in battle.”a medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during the raid”synonyms:bravery, braveness, courage, courageousness, valor, pluck, pluckiness, nerve, daring, boldness, fearlessness, dauntlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, manliness, heroism, doughtiness, stout-heartedness, backbone, spine, spirit, spiritedness, mettle, determination, fortitude; More
2.polite attention or respect given by men to women.synonyms:chivalry, chivalrousness, gentlemanliness, courtliness, graciousness, respectfulness, respect, courtesy, courteousness, politeness, good manners, mannerliness, attentiveness, consideration, considerateness, thoughtfulness”she acknowledged his selfless gallantry
Hitler & the Axis fulfilled rothschilds protocol about killing the masons who knew too much. The Axis put them to death in the camps first.
If Rothscar and his pride of International hyenas can get any wild dog broad with their mark of the beast pyramid scheme money u gotta be a lion of (the junkion trash world – heaps of electronic crap )– Captain Save the Ho zone…rev 16….hated white knight Christ avatar