I went school with Xtina Paz. She was scared of dollar dollar bill y’all. This is the Last International reds of Clark Park. Red always march here on may 1st. Maitreya is Buddah of sharing and freedom of currency. Like Britney spears shells and kristin kruek tulips
all for 1, 1 for all. healing rain takes away car exhaust. apocalypse last stand go make greenest city. or wait til 2050 for jubilee nelly? U r all jelly that i would wait for her after the war hit serbia. nf’s page was helen of troy made the towers crumble from fear of IRS. B4 anonymous there was cult of dead cow hackers. Hacker religion was to share with bill gates. but gates swindled like computers that used to never stop. scam swindlers same old mud
blood is thicker than water