Look to the brand name’s city of london financiers. The rev 13 dragons.
Winston Churchill was a genocidal, drunk Maniac. Responsible for the Bengal Famine. Great Britain the African slave masters are pots calling the kettles black. Dresden Fire bombing German holocaust.
Boss family has new Ace up it’s sleeve, like the Red Baron. NWO great seal shirts. Kolitz family wants to make thousand year fashion instead of throw away Planned O fashion. Next trip home i’m posting the Great Seal sigils. Linen clothing like the Shroud of Turin, built to last a millenium.
1913 jewish jokes became illegal…defamation…Kubrick ratted out on the dark prince of Judah
Y jews angry with poles? They saved Europe
1913 = ADL
1913 = IRS
1913 = Federal Reserve
Hitler’s cologne