Mad Max: New Jerusalem

Far into the future

the world is run by technocratic lunatic secret society in the new jerusalem

on a nuetron bombed earth

the neutron bombs killed 66 percent of life on earths

rumors pointed to bill gates, elon musk mark zuckerberg

living in a gold brick roaded fantasy land like bill vanderscam in ditchmond

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5 thoughts on “Mad Max: New Jerusalem

  1. i talk to myself in in the desolate wastelands of the great cleansing by nuetron bombs

    gates musk zuckerberg and new comer pete davidson of the rockefeller family

    they say go to war with britney’s bf

    wtf then joe?

  2. 6 million jews die another holocaust

    then max and furiosa make a war machine

    using convoys against wolf packs of the wasteland…barbarian tribe to new jerusalem

    the find the unholocausted jews what happened in the great troubles

  3. we would find the surviving jews who say old man rothschild whitelaw paid one half of israel to kill the other

    all were willing to take the judas eu 666 sheckels

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