Street gangs and madmen like Rockafellon wage their drug wars. Rockefellon’s fertilizer eutrophied the lake me and Tom Cruise used to fish in.
U and the ripper remove your tattoos and get baptized by Crazy Ivan or u fight in the brewer’s park pool. Or the Brock Park Cage. U aren’t worthy to fight in the CP forest.
Ivan will baptize u with water but I will baptize u with 911 fire.
Madchild looking for Redemption. Make peace before the Four Horsemen ride on all of our friends and family.
About 1 in 2 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes and 1 in 4 will die of the disease. — Canadian Cancer Society Quote.
My brother changed the oil on Madchild’s Humvee. Was working honest job b4 he became Lionel Hutz lawyer in a Kangaroo Court.
John 7:13 Still, nobody was talking publicly about him for fear of the Jews.
Perhaps you might say in your heart, “These nations are more numerous than I; how can I dispossess them?” You shall not be afraid (lo tira) of them. You shall surely remember that which Hashem, your God, did to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt: The great tests which your eyes saw, and the signs and the wonders, and the strong hand, and the outstretched arm whereby Hashem, your God, brought you out–so will Hashem, your God, do to all the nations before whom you are afraid (yarei).
Furthermore, Hashem, your God, will release the hornet against them, until the destruction of those who are left and those who hide themselves before you. You shall not be intimidated/frightened (lo ta’arotz) before them, because (ki) Hashem, your God, is in your midst, a God Who is mighty and feared (nora)
Donald Trump Wants a ‘Space Force,’ But America Already Has One
By Brandon Specktor June 19, 2018 Space
Already in Space…Hackers forced Pentagon Disclosure.

Kerrigan…Carrie from the nightclub scene.


Astral projection

Astral projection is the name for a psionic ability in which the psychic separates their mind from their body. The mind, which appears as a differently-colored copy of the body, is free to explore their surroundings.
I gave u safe ride home Kerri…Instead of Panduri/police hump and dump. <3 still friends?
Rocco was in dream…only rule is no selling drugs to children under 18…pope’s age of consent. U buff with simulac/powdered milk not poison…don’t poison your own family/hood