Megan fox has been fired from Transformers: Dark of the Moon for calling director Michael Bay “Hitler”. Being a Catholic schoolgirl I don’t think Fox knew about the repercussions of invoking the big H word while being surrounded by Jews like Michael Bay, Shia Lebeouf and SS (Steven Spielberg). This unholy triumvirate of Jews have been trying to get in her pants since the dawn of Cybertron. Michael Bay has been trying to schtup Megan with his shmeckel since Bumblebee was a recycled pop can. He’s been trying to hammer her tukus like Ratchet hammering a loose rivet into Optimus Prime’s metal ass.
Oy Gevalt! After much kibbitzing it looks like the Jews have indeed decided to fire her. Shia Lebouef used his powers of chutzpah to describe Michael Bay as a “football captain” and not a heartless dictator. Way to save the girl Shia! Keep using that chutzpah to save the day!
i want freedom of currency Joe….an end to the Judas coins they are planning
do u like when megan fox dates who i want her to date?
the reason the high priestess can never be a pope is becuz
so how can they fight a real devil?
fear is contagious
so no more FEAR
144K won’t take the chip