Nightbirde VS the Cancer Conspiracy

KNIGHTbirde…please wake up

Isaiah 3:17 – The Lord (ROTHSCHILD) will put sores on the heads of the women in Zion. The Lord will make their heads bald.


Since the days of Mozart, the Freemason brotherhood, of which Simon Cowell belongs, have been at odds with the Illuminati secret society.

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4 thoughts on “Nightbirde VS the Cancer Conspiracy

  1. Ariana Rockefeller

    If she dies

    God 🙏 will place a tactical nuke in your shitty cathedral

    And Sloan Kettering Cancer temple of death

    Young Pope will never come back to Jew dork shitty NYC

  2. easy, easy, Ariana named her horse Joe…SERENITY NOW

    rockefeller is the russian doll inside the rothschild doll…pyramids within pyramids cuz rothschild lent old man rockefeller his first million

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