In theMatrix movie it easier to wake Africans than regular melanin impaired people living in a suburban bubble.
Jewish genocide always gets the hollywood treatment. If snoop defects from Trump Lion (false messiah/god emperor) we can make a grim and so true so real Slavery movie. All it takes is an Ice Kol Kut
Senor Spielbergo gave the Africans hollywood treatment.
A brave director would juxtapose the Jewish whipping of Jesus with the Jewish slave trader whip
When David Duke visits Russia and tries to recruit us into his helter skelter race war I have to sit back and laugh at his WASP demographic suicide. Make some babies instead of staring at your Stormfront forum. The whip was mild punishment compared to his blitzkrieg tank slaughter of the unter menchen.
All the school children on their knees under their desks fearing subhuman slav Annihilation
Apparently Hitler said this as the Red Army approached Berlin:
”The Slavs have defeated us. They have smashed our land, our nation, our ideology… This signifies them as an aryan race and they will force this world in the knees…’
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13 thoughts on “Snoop Lion & Filming African Genocide”
Supriem Rockefeller – Messiah or AntiChrist? … Instead of bringing the world to its knees and fulfill the End Time Prophecies, he has decided to …
Day of Judgment Bog is calling Vuk..wolf…supriem rockefeller madonna sings about
that swizz has the keys to the kingdom…but no heart to risk his life for his own
The Key of David is a term found in Revelation and Isaiah. A key indicates control or authority; therefore, having the Key of David would give one control …
he ain’t got time for the stupid poop…stupid gold bricks…stupid jerusalem of gold…stupid wizard of rothschild
half naked women…bottles of bub…gold chains…we’ve seen all that stupid poop b4
stupid like a man….cowardly like a woman…nietzche’s superman theory
the GNN boys are facing trumped up charges…me especially in France…4 yellow vests….in china for hong kong square dance
Learn to pronounce
conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
incitement (to riot/rebellion)
fomentation (of discontent)
book of micah
Micah X book and indictment of Jacob Rothchild…the lawless one
Reading the lyrics from many of Madonna’s songs,…. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted
I’m angry at this keys…for making me go to the Times Square danger zone…
sitting next fracking air marshals…at least he gave me a sandwich…making sandwich for your man is illegal now
P’s the martyr and prophet as MC’s babylon…no children….no wives….untouchables like elliot ness…..on this illuminated organized crime
we had underground train in the old days to Canada….u gotta ask the Vatican not True dough looney government
Supriem Rockefeller – Messiah or AntiChrist? … Instead of bringing the world to its knees and fulfill the End Time Prophecies, he has decided to …
Day of Judgment Bog is calling Vuk..wolf…supriem rockefeller madonna sings about
that swizz has the keys to the kingdom…but no heart to risk his life for his own
The Key of David is a term found in Revelation and Isaiah. A key indicates control or authority; therefore, having the Key of David would give one control …
he ain’t got time for the stupid poop…stupid gold bricks…stupid jerusalem of gold…stupid wizard of rothschild
half naked women…bottles of bub…gold chains…we’ve seen all that stupid poop b4
stupid like a man….cowardly like a woman…nietzche’s superman theory
the GNN boys are facing trumped up charges…me especially in France…4 yellow vests….in china for hong kong square dance
Learn to pronounce
conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
incitement (to riot/rebellion)
fomentation (of discontent)
book of micah
Micah X book and indictment of Jacob Rothchild…the lawless one
Reading the lyrics from many of Madonna’s songs,…. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted
I’m angry at this keys…for making me go to the Times Square danger zone…
sitting next fracking air marshals…at least he gave me a sandwich…making sandwich for your man is illegal now
P’s the martyr and prophet as MC’s babylon…no children….no wives….untouchables like elliot ness…..on this illuminated organized crime
we had underground train in the old days to Canada….u gotta ask the Vatican not True dough looney government