in this moive, imperium, he talks sense into naughty net nazis
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what if the moneylender media makes Harry Potter the new red dictator over the entire planet?
most kids think harry potter is the ONE
not trigger happy keanu reeves
but harry, who is always playing with his wand with voldemort
Introduction to 1938 Nazi edition of
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The statements about Jewry’s plans for world domination brought together in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have had an enormous political impact of an educational nature about Jewry. Through them, thousands and thousands of people have been made aware of the corrupting character of Jewish thought and action. They then reach for other writings or watch their “citizens of the Jewish faith” more carefully and find confirmed the basic points of the Protocols. Hardly any other book has so aroused the hatred of Jewry, which attempts to destroy or defame the Protocols with all available methods.
Background: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is one of the most astonishing documents in history. Although proven repeatedly to be forged it is still widely available today, and many (particularly in the Arab world) believe in it completely. It is supposedly the record of a meeting of Jewish leaders late in the nineteenth century to review their progress in gaining world domination. The Wikipedia article on the Protocols provides a good summary (at least it does as I write…).
Although there was sufficient evidence that the Protocols were forged by the early 1920’s, Hitler took them seriously, as did Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda system.
This is the introduction to the 1938 Nazi edition of the Protocols published by the Eher Verlag, the official party publishing house. I’ve not been able to determine the number of copies printed, but since the 1938 edition was the 22nd printing it was surely in the millions.
The source: Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion, 22nd edition (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1938).
World Jewry attempted to strike a decisive blow against this highly dangerous incriminating document before a court in Berne, Switzerland. The “Swiss-Israelite Federation” and the “Jewish Religious Society” brought suit in July 1933 against a Swiss bookseller who had sold the Protocols. The timing of the case alone proves that the Jews were launching a political attack on National Socialist Germany. The same goal was served by a case World Jewry brought before an international court in Cairo (the so-called Cairo trial), which like the battle about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion resulted in a major defeat for the Jews in their battle against National Socialism outside of Germany. The trial about the Protocols ended before the Berne court on 14 May 1935 after becoming a huge case. Experts were called and Jewish witnesses from around the world testified. Prominent witnesses for the defense, however, were not allowed to testify. The one-sided pro-Jewish nature of the trial found clear expression in the verdict. After all the effort, the defendant Silvio Schnell had to pay a fine of 20 francs and fellow defendant Fischer was fined 50 francs for distributing an anti-Semitic book. Such small fines were in contrast to the costs of the trial, 27,000 francs, which after the first trial were charged to the two defendants. This grotesque difference between the absurdly small fines — when compared to the importance of the legal issue — and the size of the court costs charged to the defendants shows the uncertainty of the judge, and probably the fact that the judge was not convinced of the “falsity” of the Protocols or that it was immoral literature.
The Jews wanted to conduct a propaganda campaign against anti-Semitism at the cost of several anti-Semites, and one particularly aimed at National Socialist Germany. They found a judge who — if perhaps somewhat hesitantly — followed their political desires. He ruled in 1935 that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Theodor Fritsch’s edition) was immoral literature and violated the 1916 “Law on Movie Theaters and Measures against Immoral Literature.” He banned it in Berne Canton.
This verse in Isaiah, is one of them. “For it is the day of the LORD’S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.”
We will go into more detail on the Jewish conception of immoral literature later. Here we need only give the grounds for the acquittal after appeal to the Berne Supreme Court on 1 November 1937 to reveal the Jews’ political maneuvering. Judge Peter issued a carefully worded but sharp ruling about the decision by the lower court. He ruled that the lower court judge had improperly handled the testimony about the genuineness of the Protocols. Since the parties involved selected the experts, confidence in their testimony was shaken. The so-called unbiased expert Loosli (who used every opportunity to support the Jewish position) was not impartial. He had already written in a polemic, unscientific manner about the authenticity of the Protocols and one could only assume that the lower court judge was unaware of that. He was warned to be more careful about such testimony in the future. Furthermore, the expert testimony was entirely irrelevant. A possibly forged text was not necessarily immoral literature and an accurate text could nonetheless be immoral. The nature of the text was determined only by its content and form. Whether or not the Protocols was a forgery — as maintained by the plaintiffs — was therefore irrelevant. The only question was whether the Protocols was, as claimed, immoral literature. The law did not define the term precisely. One probably intended literature of no or limited value that met certain criteria contained in the law. Whether the material was distributed in the hope of making a profit was irrelevant
I can’t even remember my password….i’m no pentagon/wtc hacker
I confess, i am an imposter king of the hackers. I can’t even read. I’m dyslexic.
— Agent Utah
There are more europeans alive now than ever in history…..also, there are more half europeans alive now than ever
Harry Potter’s movie just encourages them
Daniel Radcliffe sold his soul to walk on my red carpet
what if the moneylender media makes Harry Potter the new red dictator over the entire planet?
most kids think harry potter is the ONE
not trigger happy keanu reeves
but harry, who is always playing with his wand with voldemort
Introduction to 1938 Nazi edition of
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The statements about Jewry’s plans for world domination brought together in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have had an enormous political impact of an educational nature about Jewry. Through them, thousands and thousands of people have been made aware of the corrupting character of Jewish thought and action. They then reach for other writings or watch their “citizens of the Jewish faith” more carefully and find confirmed the basic points of the Protocols. Hardly any other book has so aroused the hatred of Jewry, which attempts to destroy or defame the Protocols with all available methods.
Background: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is one of the most astonishing documents in history. Although proven repeatedly to be forged it is still widely available today, and many (particularly in the Arab world) believe in it completely. It is supposedly the record of a meeting of Jewish leaders late in the nineteenth century to review their progress in gaining world domination. The Wikipedia article on the Protocols provides a good summary (at least it does as I write…).
Although there was sufficient evidence that the Protocols were forged by the early 1920’s, Hitler took them seriously, as did Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda system.
This is the introduction to the 1938 Nazi edition of the Protocols published by the Eher Verlag, the official party publishing house. I’ve not been able to determine the number of copies printed, but since the 1938 edition was the 22nd printing it was surely in the millions.
The source: Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion, 22nd edition (Munich: Eher Verlag, 1938).
World Jewry attempted to strike a decisive blow against this highly dangerous incriminating document before a court in Berne, Switzerland. The “Swiss-Israelite Federation” and the “Jewish Religious Society” brought suit in July 1933 against a Swiss bookseller who had sold the Protocols. The timing of the case alone proves that the Jews were launching a political attack on National Socialist Germany. The same goal was served by a case World Jewry brought before an international court in Cairo (the so-called Cairo trial), which like the battle about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion resulted in a major defeat for the Jews in their battle against National Socialism outside of Germany. The trial about the Protocols ended before the Berne court on 14 May 1935 after becoming a huge case. Experts were called and Jewish witnesses from around the world testified. Prominent witnesses for the defense, however, were not allowed to testify. The one-sided pro-Jewish nature of the trial found clear expression in the verdict. After all the effort, the defendant Silvio Schnell had to pay a fine of 20 francs and fellow defendant Fischer was fined 50 francs for distributing an anti-Semitic book. Such small fines were in contrast to the costs of the trial, 27,000 francs, which after the first trial were charged to the two defendants. This grotesque difference between the absurdly small fines — when compared to the importance of the legal issue — and the size of the court costs charged to the defendants shows the uncertainty of the judge, and probably the fact that the judge was not convinced of the “falsity” of the Protocols or that it was immoral literature.
The Jews wanted to conduct a propaganda campaign against anti-Semitism at the cost of several anti-Semites, and one particularly aimed at National Socialist Germany. They found a judge who — if perhaps somewhat hesitantly — followed their political desires. He ruled in 1935 that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Theodor Fritsch’s edition) was immoral literature and violated the 1916 “Law on Movie Theaters and Measures against Immoral Literature.” He banned it in Berne Canton.
This verse in Isaiah, is one of them. “For it is the day of the LORD’S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.”
We will go into more detail on the Jewish conception of immoral literature later. Here we need only give the grounds for the acquittal after appeal to the Berne Supreme Court on 1 November 1937 to reveal the Jews’ political maneuvering. Judge Peter issued a carefully worded but sharp ruling about the decision by the lower court. He ruled that the lower court judge had improperly handled the testimony about the genuineness of the Protocols. Since the parties involved selected the experts, confidence in their testimony was shaken. The so-called unbiased expert Loosli (who used every opportunity to support the Jewish position) was not impartial. He had already written in a polemic, unscientific manner about the authenticity of the Protocols and one could only assume that the lower court judge was unaware of that. He was warned to be more careful about such testimony in the future. Furthermore, the expert testimony was entirely irrelevant. A possibly forged text was not necessarily immoral literature and an accurate text could nonetheless be immoral. The nature of the text was determined only by its content and form. Whether or not the Protocols was a forgery — as maintained by the plaintiffs — was therefore irrelevant. The only question was whether the Protocols was, as claimed, immoral literature. The law did not define the term precisely. One probably intended literature of no or limited value that met certain criteria contained in the law. Whether the material was distributed in the hope of making a profit was irrelevant
I can’t even remember my password….i’m no pentagon/wtc hacker
I confess, i am an imposter king of the hackers. I can’t even read. I’m dyslexic.
— Agent Utah
There are more europeans alive now than ever in history…..also, there are more half europeans alive now than ever
Harry Potter’s movie just encourages them
Daniel Radcliffe sold his soul to walk on my red carpet
you’re piece of poop CGI mayer rothschild lion doesn’t scare anyone anymore
or your cowardly actor lions