I usually don’t watch awards shows like the Oscars. I don’t really watch Talmudvision. I usually spend my time posting about the glory of the white race on Stormfront. My broad sister Davina told me about the Jew joke the day after the Oscars.
It seems these Jewish jokes at the Oscars are becoming an annual occurrence. After that piece of poop Inglourious Basterds won so many awards nobody can take the Academy Awards seriously. Hitler does not wear a cape! All the kids I know these days think Hitler died in a movie theater because of that fracking movie. It enrages me. Fucken race traiter Tarantino is responsible. When the day of the rope comes Tarantino will be the first strung up.
Ever since my brother died I’ve been trying to create a white nation in the Pacific Northwest. I haven’t been succeeding and it fracking pisses me off. I don’t want to live with all these Beaners and Negroes in a multicultural sewer. That fucker Sweeney is probably laughing his ass off at my lack of success. frack I hate Sweeney. It’s his fault Danny died. I should of taken Danny out of school right away and brought him up here to Portland, the whitest city in the ‘Kwa. Amexikwa is a hellish place these days. The economy is collapsing and the currency is starting to hyperinflate. These are Weimar conditions. Once Weimerica is in full swing a new Hitler will rise from the ashes.
Inflation In Weimar Berlin was so rampant that the local paper currency was good only for toilet paper. Cocaine, morphine and opium were peddled on every street corner. More than 120,000 desperate women and girls of every age and stripe sold their bodies for a pittance, including mother-daughter prostitution teams and brazen streetwalkers well into the third trimester of pregnancy.
Such was the glory that was Weimar Berlin, a burg called the “prime breeding ground of evil.” Weimar Los Angeles will be a burg ten times worse. Thank God I took my mother and Davina and moved out of there.
I’ve been talking to Cameron lately and he thinks I should put all my support behind John De Nugent.

Cameron says with my criminal record and lack of military service that I’ll never be a viable president of the Northwest Republic. De Nugent served in the Marines Corps. I can’t serve because of my criminal record. Secession seems to be the only answer. I say frack Cameron. Everyone wants to be Fuhrer and not the corporal. I’m sick of taking orders from the Aryan Brotherhood. It’s time for me to take my rightful place as leader. My plan is to take out De Nugent in a repeat of the Night of the Long Knives. Nugent has to go down. There is no other option.
Until next time racially aware comrades! 14/88!