Dirty Abraham Lincoln Conspiracy

FROM: Juri lina – Architects of Deception

In American history books there is nothing about the role of the
banks in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) and the War of Independence (1812-1814). Neither is there anything about the debt-free
‘greenbacks’ that Abraham Lincoln issued. Their existence is only
verified by a few encyclopaedias.

To finance the American Civil War, which broke out on 12 April
1861, President Abraham Lincoln was forced to utilize the right of
the Congress to coin its own money. Between the years 1862 and
1864, 450 million interest free ‘greenbacks’ were printed. Lincoln
promised at his re-election in 1864 to begin fighting the banks as
soon as the war was over.

Lord Goschen, the representative of the financial world, wrote in
the London Times: “If this financial policy becomes permanent, the
government can without expenses acquire necessary monetary provision.
It can pay its debt and repay its loans without debt. It will have enough
money to trade (on the open market). It is going to be healthier than any
other (before) in history. If we do not overthrow this government, it will
overthrow us.”

The North during the Civil War was financed by the Rothschilds
through their American agent August Belmont (actually Schonberg)
and the South by the Erlanger brothers who were related to the
Rothschild family. The Civil War ended on 9 April 1865, and the
international freemasonry got busy to remove President Lincoln.


The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was carried out by the extremist Jew John Wilkes Booth (Botha), a freemason of the 33rd degree,
on 14 April 1865 in Washington, D. C, only five days after the end of
the Civil War. The Jewish silversmith John Booth’s ancestors had
been exiled from Portugal because of their radical political views.
John’s fader was Junius Brutus Booth (Stanley Kimmel, “The Mad
Booths of Maryland”, New York, 1970). Izola Forrester, Booth’s granddaughter, stated in her book, “This One Mad Act” (1937), that Booth
belonged to the lodge Knights of the Golden Circle and also Mazzini’s
“revolutionary” movement Young America. Izola Forrester revealed in
detail that the freemasons were involved in the assassination of the
president. The subsequent murder of Lincoln’s assassin was organized
by Judah P. Benjamin, an important freemason and Rothschild agent
(William Guy Carr, “Red Fog over America”, 1968, p. 194). He was
head of the Confederate secret service and later fled to England.
The masonic lodge Knights of the Golden Circle was mixed up in
the plot. This name had begun to be seen in the press and so the
masonic Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike in 1866 decided to
rename it Kuklos Klan; ‘kyklos’ in Greek meaning ‘circle’ (John
Daniel, “Scarlet and the Beast”, Volym III, Tyler, Texas, p. 76).
Knights of the Golden Circle appeared first in Cincinnati, Ohio, under
the supervision of the Scottish Rite’s Midwest organizer Killian van
Resselaer. From there, the Knights spread throughout Ohio, Indiana,
and Illinois, down the Mississippi south to the Gulf of Mexico, and
into Maryland and Virginia. The Golden Circle was to be a slave
empire centred in Cuba. The Knights armed and trained up to
100 000 men. They were organized into lodges called ‘castles’.
It was officially founded as a new organization, the Ku Klux Klan,
in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Forrest formally disbanded the Klan in 1869, and the federal government crushed the residual chapters by 1871. In 1882 it was banned.

The present racist group with the same name was founded in 1915 by
William Joseph Simmons and Simon Wolf and thus has not grown out
of the masonic organization that existed from 1866 to 1871.


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