Greece & Grease

This is our future unless we take back the Commonwealth the Queen E gave us. The public banks. We need more than public banks we need complete freedom currency. Bring back the Goldsmiths & Silversmiths, the tally sticks, empower the bitcoins, use Britney Spears shell money, the native american beads aNd the old iron coins the Greeks hAD.



see Nelly’s dressed like John travolta in Grease. 911 was a rich man’s magic trick to restart the economy. Fight CLub brad pitt poop. Economic equilibrium. Pink Lady hair spray can’t melt 20 feet thick steel beams. Neither can greaser zippo fluid.


rise up and take back the money power when they leaVe us penniless like Greece.


these moneymen are bandits and looters

international currency market hyaenas


if cnn says bananas have aids

they probably cure aids. especially the skin. research the drugs they are making from bananas and open your mind. arnold shwarz totall recall is what computer is giving us. usura…open your mind


god save the queen

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George Michael has Super AIDS

George Michael AIDS

George Michael kissing death at the Olympics.

George Michael has contracted AIDS from an old lover. He is currently on anti-virals which buries the virus and makes it even stronger before eventually killing you.

What must George Michael do to cure his Super AIDS?

Selenium Conquers AIDS! Senegal in West Africa has the lowest numbers of AIDS prevalence at 1.77% in the general population, and 0.5% in antenatal clinic attendees along with the highest levels of selenium-enriched soil. Geologically, Senegal is situated in the desiccated or dried up Cretaceous and early Eocene Sea, and the land is formed from sedimentary rocks from dissolved minerals in the evaporating seawater. Consequently, calcium phosphates are one of the country’s mined mineral products used for fertilizers, and are derived from the selenium rich phosphorite. Senegal can also claim the lowest level of cancers on the African continent.


Numerous doctors have started treating their AIDS patients utilizing either increased amounts of supplemental selenium or the four basic components of glutathione peroxidase – selenium, cysteine, glutamine, and tryptophan – and have seen remarkable results.

Increasing glutathione levels with the selenium and cysteine makes the immune system more responsive to viruses and cancer as well. Glutamine helps alleviate depression problems and helps heal the intestinal tract, resulting in better digestion and the elimination of diarrhea.

Advanced AIDS patients have been shown to have tryptophan levels at about half the amount of those with the disease. Increasing tryptophan helps protect against dementia by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

The idea has not been to “eliminate” HIV from the body, which many researchers now feel would be impossible, but rather to supply it and the rest of the body with adequate amounts of selenium. It’s more of an effort to live with the virus much like we can live with other potentially harmful pathogens in our body, but keep it in check to minimize any harm. The additional selenium and the antioxidants associated with it help stop the virus from replicating and invading other cells to “feed” its need for selenium.

Not only is this program very cost-effective at $10 to $20 a month, it has been instrumental in allowing patients to live normal, otherwise healthy, productive lives. I’ve spoken with many of these patients, and practically all of the long-term survivors are on programs that include selenium, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to increase glutathione levels, and other antioxidants.

I have a report of one individual who has been HIV-positive for 21 years. After undergoing practically every known treatment, he still had detectible levels of HI V-until he took selenium. After taking a 200 microgram daily dose his viral load dropped from 20,000/mL to 49, which is considered undetectable. Additionally, he hasn’t been sick since taking the selenium and has experienced no side effects whatsoever.

Dr. F.

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