Tag Archives: audrey siegl
Voting For Nelly Furtao
this is good vs evil
darkness against light
Wounded Knee & Native American Freemasonry
To the Iroquois
Beautiful thy meditations
In thy consecrated forests,
Fragrant in their odorous incense
When,—though groping in the darkness,—
Thou wert lifted up and strengthened,
In thy earnest firm endeavor,
Nearer drawn to one Great Spirit
In thy ardor of devotion!
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Dicrapio Revenant was no Marlon Brando refusing gold Oscar (Schindler) award. What a Stanley Park Kubrick director would show is the giant pyramid of Buffalo Skulls. Puritan WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) would shoot the Bison from the train for sport. All they wanted was the tongue of the Bison. The shot the Buffalo/Bison to kill the food source of the Natives. Beast men will kill for sport or just to possess their brother’s land.
What kind of Solutions is YP looking for from these Puritan families like sky walker w bush? Royalties from sports teams named after Indians like the Washington Redskins or Malibu Messiah, Charlie Sheen’s baseball team. 10 PERCENT of Net profits from the Atlanta Braves or the Kansas City Chiefs.
The Young Pope and the Vatican apologize whole heartedly for the Catholic school scandal. Our goal was to teach the children the Psalms of David and especially Psalm 73. Our priests want an end to the Queen of England’s bloodlust by ceding the Province of BC to Marcella West sleeping on Young Pope’s desk. She got wacked with the ruler because she is the rightful ruler of BC. Audrey will deliver the secret Naturopathic healing to the tribes that are trying to unite in BC.
Agnes Dei
Dona eis audrey et marcella
health, sanity, correctness, permanence, good sense, healthy tone
health, good health, fitness, , soundness
salvation, safety, salutation, welfare, health, greeting