Young Christy Canyon

Aging Reversed in Mice – Diane Sawyer ABC News

In a recent study published in the peer reviewed journal Nature scientists took mice that were prematurely aged to the equivalent of 80-year-old humans, added an enzyme and essentially turned their telomeres back on. After the treatment they were the physiological equivalent of young adults.

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Roosh V & The Kardashian Church

Gregory the Illuminator

He was a religious leader who is credited with converting Armenia from paganism to Christianity in 301. Armenia thus became the first nation to adopt Christianity as its official religion.

Roosh V has found G…He is welcome in Richmond where his Church/Sanctuary is.
Famous Armenians = Cher, The Kardashians, Christy Canyon, Andre Agassi & Dita Von Teese.


They say my City is a haven. Like Oskar Schindler’s factory in Schindler’s List.

AVe Maria

Gracia Plena

Dona eis requiem et fortuna


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