Madonna & Facing Your Fear

The Ludovico Technique. Taken from A Clockwork Orange, this was the name of the morally dubious “aversion therapy”.

M’s been raped and her heart broken, but in JCJ’s hood there are almost no rapes thanks to devil aversion ludavico technique.

Welcome to the Concrete Jungle…Where we face our fears instead of running away.
Alex born in a sack of hate.
In 1962, two versions of Anthony Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange were published. One concludes with Alex growing up and turning away from violence, while the second, darker version leaves out that final chapter. 


There are countless conspiracy theories about Stanley Kubrick. A prominent one for A Clockwork Orange is that it is about the CIA’s MKUltra mind-control experiments in the 1960s. If you think that’s insane, maybe you’ve been brainwashed.

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You Don’t Want Orange Cream

Listen Megan, U don’t want orange cream.
U want psionic powers not orange cream. Orange cream is 4 NF. I invested 30 years into the N.
Philogyny is fondness, love, or admiration towards women.

Philandry is fondness, love, or admiration towards men. Its antonym is misandry.


Don’t get brainwashed by MRA or Feminist propaganda. NF was first to call the feminists out on their BS. A woman and her husband are a team. They complement each other. It took us 5,000 years to build a ladies paradise. I don’t feel emasculated if the wombman is the breadwinner. I don’t mind staying home working on her webpage and doing the cooking. Fifth Empire Harmony work from home. That’s what N needs–a webmaster. No fedbook. No instacrap. No screwtube. One day those social media sites will be bankrupt and all your data gone. Just like myspace.

I fracked up once on this girl. I’m not gonna frack up again. I only fracked that girl to stop dubya dubya 3…WWIII crimson tide. Russians & Serbs Vs Americans & Croats.

this summer she gets her poetry at the cafe she likes. I’ve been feeding her cures and she put on weight. Supposed to be skinny but the brazil nuts from the empire worked. Just like Bob Marley said,”there is a plant for every disease”.

The Ludavico technique is working on the men. Like Bono, I don’t believe in forced entry.

Boze chuvaj

Boze sad Chuvaj

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