Joe’s Witch Hunt: The True Story

It started with inspection of Abraham’s book store where he tried to peddle me Aleister Crowley books.
On the night of the black sabbath i went to inspect the Fatima church on 13th street, the occult satanists favorite number.

The women of East Van/Stalingrad had bicycles with lights, a pair of women, who told me their children were in the church. I RATTLED ON THE BARS WITH IRON ROD!!!

I told the Black Sabbath/Black Mass occultists NO MORE!!! THIS IS THE END!!! loud with Charleton Heston moses voice. They were coming in taxi cabs on the witching hour. I was screaming about Jesuits, cuz I was new Jesuit General. I went home and came back with gasoline to scare the witches and warlocks. NOBODY GOT HURT. They were SCARED STRAIGHT. Gospa/Nossa Senhora told me to make a scene so the neighborhood would wake up. The COVEN, witches/warlocks term for the 13 members of an occult Black Sabbath were stuck inside. The women were outside. I came back in the morning and put YOUNG POPE blessing on church baptized with fire and saw the chestnuts they were throwing. No OMERTA/CODE OF SILENCE u black magicians. I saw sex kitten Joelene/Joanne in the neighborhood but she refuses to RAT OUT. Won’t even eat with us because of her guilt.

Not like the old days for Satanists in Salem. More like Days of Our Lives Salem shizer. Soap opera poop. The Holy Roman Church vs Satan’s minions.

Who was hell created for?

Dr Kidman the Kidnapper. Nicole Kidman says Aquaman is supposed to defend u all. White, Black, Red, Yellow or even blue like the Na’vi.

In Matthew 25:41 the Bible says, “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” On the other hand, Matthew 25:33-34 points out that those who choose Christ will “inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” The original purpose of hell and its fire was for the ultimate destruction of Satan, sin, and his angels. Only after this cleaning of fire can all the tears be wiped from the eyes of the saved.


Abraham reveals the Red Shield ringleader in this video. He confessed to me. So Pax/Mir Paz in the neighborhood. 2013 was his confession. He is a wise man, but because of Red shield’s financial tyranny he gets played like a puppet by these Satanists.

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13)

Every person, even the most godly Christian believer, at least occasionally commits acts of sin–sins of omission, if not sins of commission. “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).

When a Christian does sin, the remedy is available. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). This forgiveness is based on the fact that “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).


We forgive and help each other. Our Neighborhood is a microcosm of the World. Live and Let Live. We stop selling each other out for 30 Judas coins. 30 bucks an hour after taxes is 15 dollars an hour. The wage hasn’t changed in 30 years but the price of living has increased and there is 2 percent inflation every year. Enough studying Voodoo, start studying HW Bush’s voodoo economics. HW is a bad man and his CIA brotherhood of death is the real reason our hood is so fracked.

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Maniacs fracking up the Neighborhood

This lake used to be vibrant and alive.

Street gangs and madmen like Rockafellon wage their drug wars. Rockefellon’s fertilizer eutrophied the lake me and Tom Cruise used to fish in.

These tools are attracted to the bullshit gang glamour. I never chose that poop. I was born into it.
We’re waiting for these two tools from out of town to live up their Clark Parker lyrics.


U and the ripper remove your tattoos and get baptized by Crazy Ivan or u fight in the brewer’s park pool. Or the Brock Park Cage. U aren’t worthy to fight in the CP forest.

Ivan will baptize u with water but I will baptize u with 911 fire.

War, Famine, Pestilence and Death…the four horsemen in all our hoods. Every hood the same like Ice Cube lyrics.

Madchild looking for Redemption. Make peace before the Four Horsemen ride on all of our friends and family.

Kevin Cuthbert learned to give hugs instead of Messianic threats. Gave my brother hug. Thanked me for giving him Japan back. U might get all of the Asian Union if ur a goodboy and team up against the computer on Civilization game.

About 1 in 2 Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes and 1 in 4 will die of the disease. — Canadian Cancer Society Quote.

My brother changed the oil on Madchild’s Humvee. Was working honest job b4 he became Lionel Hutz lawyer in a Kangaroo Court.

This election is lost. Next election is Nelly as PM or u get crocop kick to your testicles.

John 7:13 Still, nobody was talking publicly about him for fear of the Jews.

Perhaps you might say in your heart, “These nations are more numerous than I; how can I dispossess them?” You shall not be afraid (lo tira) of them. You shall surely remember that which Hashem, your God, did to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt: The great tests which your eyes saw, and the signs and the wonders, and the strong hand, and the outstretched arm whereby Hashem, your God, brought you out–so will Hashem, your God, do to all the nations before whom you are afraid (yarei).

the F/A-18F Super Hornet that Maverick Will Fly in the Top Gun Sequel

Furthermore, Hashem, your God, will release the hornet against them, until the destruction of those who are left and those who hide themselves before you. You shall not be intimidated/frightened (lo ta’arotz) before them, because (ki) Hashem, your God, is in your midst, a God Who is mighty and feared (nora)

Charlie Sheen admits an ‘Apocalypse’ obsession. … off a tattoo on his stomach reading “Death from Above,”


3000 john denugents vs 1 Portuguese battle cruiser

Donald Trump Wants a ‘Space Force,’ But America Already Has One

By Brandon Specktor June 19, 2018 Space 

Already in Space…Hackers forced Pentagon Disclosure.

Starcraft is just Pentagon Disclosure.
I want Carrie on my side again. Old Surrey GF the plumbers betrayed.

Kerrigan…Carrie from the nightclub scene.

Peer pressure wanted me to leave her fracked and deserted. But i was good guy Christian to her.
this song will help her face the street gangs and mad men who wage their wars on women.

The Game got her hair the right color.


Cotton eye joe song got her hooked on JCJ.


Astral projection


ColinPhash SC-GA3 Comic1
Colin Phash using astral projection

Astral projection is the name for a psionic ability in which the psychic separates their mind from their body. The mind, which appears as a differently-colored copy of the body, is free to explore their surroundings.


I gave u safe ride home Kerri…Instead of Panduri/police hump and dump. <3 still friends?

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Illuminati Symbols in Alice in Wonderland

Alice has a feverish dream as a child. She is transported to a place called Wonderland in the dream. Fever dreams, in my definition are more vivid and infinitely more horrific than you can imagine.

Alice tells her father she thinks she has gone mad. He tells her, “All the best people are.”

13 Years Later

We fastforward 13 years later to Alice’s engagement party. 13 is the number of degrees in the York rite of Freemasonry.


13 is the number of degrees in the Illuminati.

Alice Checkered Floor

Alice leaves her fiance waiting at the altar and runs to the forest. She follows a white rabbit down a rabbit hole. She finds herself in a room with a checkered floor:

masonic floor

The mosaic pavement of the lodge is discussed in the lecture of the first degree. This is commonly described as the checkered carpet which covers the floor of the lodge. The lecture says that the mosaic pavement “is a representation of the ground floor of King Solomon’s Temple” and is “emblematic of human life, checkered with good and evil.” In the account of King Solomon’s Temple in the Bible, the ground floor is said to be made of pine or fir, depending on which translation of the Bible that you read (1 Ki 6:15). It is hard to imagine that pine or fir flooring would be particularly mosaic in nature. However, it can be agreed that the mosaic pavement represents the ground floor of King Solomon’s Temple in the Entered Apprentice degree because that ceremony symbolically takes place in that location. While these facts may not be particularly intriguing, the symbolism of the checkered carpeting presents some interesting concepts.

Drink Me

Alice drinks a potion that makes her small. This symbolizes her entering the lodge as an entered apprentice.

Eat Me

Alice eats a cake that makes her large. This symbolizes her moving up through the masonic degrees. She finds that she is too large and drinks the absinthe again.

This makes her small. She has become a drug addled Illuminatus Minor. She is again a small member of the secret society. She will grow large again later in the story becoming a Illuminatus Rex.


Alice tries magic mushrooms and goes through the gateway into the fifth dimension.


Alice tries opium with an opium smoking caterpillar. The caterpillar represents Europe. In the Chinese Opium wars the Queen peddled dope.


The caterpillar shows her a scroll. This is the holy bible and the psychedelic book of Revelation. The characters are waiting for “Frabjous Day”: Judgement Day. Tweetle Dum and Tweetle Dee represent Rockefeller and Rothschild. Two of the Queen’s dimwitted subjects.

Tweetle Dum Mark of the Beast

Later in the story Tweetle Dum gets the mark of the beast in his forehead. This represents the PIN number you use to get money out of the automated teller machine. The white queen kisses Tweetle Dum’s forehead and removes the mark later in the story.

Alice Eye Beast

Alice is chased by the beast. The frumious bandersnatch. A mouse removes an eye from the beast. The Islamic Dajjal is one eyed.

one eyed jack

We meet the one eyed Jack. He represents Prince Charles and Mi6. Queen Elizabeth killed Charles’ wife Diana using Mi6 and the Freemasons so that she could wage her war in Iraq. Britain needs oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the Queen’s empire. America is still run through the Queen and Freemasonry.

Red Queen

We meet the red Queen. She represents Queen Elizabeth the II.

Queen Reptile

She has a really big head. David Icke say’s she is a reptile.

Dont you think Tony Blair has a grin like the Cheshire cat? Even though his face may disappear, his grin may remain visible?


The Queen is surrounded by toadies. One of them steals a pastry and has a frog in his throat. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

Queen Eye

Alice gets stuck in the Queen’s palace underneath her watchful eye you can see in the windows.

The Queen of England killed off the French Aristocracy with a guillotine in 1789. Lewis Carroll is trying to illuminate us to the Queen’s crimes.

Alice Sword

Alice has to get the Masonic tyler’s sword to slay the red dragon of wales. They call the dragon the Jabberwocky.

Alice Beast

Alice rides the Frumious bandersnatch. This symbolizes the whore of babylon riding the beast in revelation.

Dragon Wales

She goes to meet the dragon:


She cuts off the dragon’s head and the red queen is defeated. The mad hatter represents the leader of the Illuminati who want the red queen overthrown.

Dead Dragon

At the end of the movie the caterpillar has transformed into a butterfly.


The Illuminati use Alice in Wonderland programming on their whores of babylon. They tell the media whores that they will be the white queen if they have orgy sex with the Illuminati and take drugs.

Alice is transformed from an innocent child into a harlot. Like Aunt Imogene there is no Prince to break the spell.

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