The Templar Revelation

Mar 6, 2018 — Relic victories feel sorta cheap, but it is a valid win condition and you did outplay him.

Relic Victory : aoe2 – Reddit


Portugal has the Holy Grail Relic. Austria has the Holy Lance. Croatia has the Excalibur sword. Ethiopia has the Ark of the Covenant.

RELIC VICTORY is a Victory even if it seems cheap.

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Giving Africa the Bomb

My nigga Jozo tells me the only way mother Africa will be free is if Putin gives us the Hydrogen Bomb. MFing Belgians in the Congo enslaving children for their disposable phones.

Shaka was the strongest so far.
Gaddafi gave up his Weapons of Mass Destruction to the soulless bonesman devastators. He quickly got double crossed.
The Romans and the Bonesmen divide and conquer. Force their quislings into the NATO alliance.
Alexander’s homeland divided and ruled. Big Statue of Bill Clinton the coke dealing KKK Grand Wizard.
Jozo is from Alexander’s family. I’m from Shaka’s.
Alexander the Great/Quotes

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.
ANGELina is Jozo’s foster mother…Jozo wants her off the Pharmakeia and on the vitamins.
Mary his mother loves angelina the most…but can’t see past the lies of rockefeller’s nuclear medicine men.
If i had my wish Henry K would be locked in a cage and paraded through the streets of Addis Ababa for all the Ethiopians he starved to death.


Baba Yetu uliye mbinguni,
jina lako litukuzwe;
ufalme wako ufike,
utakalo lifanyike 
duniani kama mbinguni.
Utupe leo mkate wetu wa kila siku,
utusamehe makosa yetu,
kama nasi tunavyowasamehe waliotukosea.
Usitutie katika kishawishi,
lakini utuopoe maovuni.

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U.S. Recognizes Somali Puppet Government

Blackhawk Down

Washington, DC – State Department head Hillary Clinton announced Jan. 17 that the U.S. was extending formal recognition to the government of Somalia. The announcement took place during a visit of the Western-backed Somali president, Hassan Sheikh, to Washington D.C.

In a fawning speech, President Sheikh said the “United States has always been the country that never left Somalia and have been engaging Somalia with difficult times at different levels, including when the existence of Somali nation was threatened in early 90s…Had that intervention not been there, it would have been difficult and different today, the situation in Somalia. So that relationship is there and the commitment and the unwavering support of the United States has always been.”

The Somali regime used to be known as the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). The TFG was formed in a Kenyan hotel and was later backed up by the U.S.-approved Ethiopian invasion of Somalia. It is now kept in power by troops from the African Union.

Secretary of State Clinton admitted the importance of the U.S. role in Somalia, stating, “We provided more than $650 million in assistance to the African Union Mission in Somalia, more than $130 million to Somalia’s security forces.”

The U.S. also provided air support to Ethiopian troops in Somalia, has repeatedly launched drone attacks on resistance forces, and at times has used food as a weapon.

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