Lady Gaga: Edge of Lupus

Lady Gaga Lupus

Lady Gaga has been diagnosed as having borderline lupus. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first new drug to treat lupus since 1955, a milestone, why 50 years? So Lady Gaga can try it and endorse it.

Lupus is a Vitamin D deficiency. You will never hear Dr. Oz or Dr. Drew talk about Vitamin D deficiency. He will tell you to grab a long, cool glass of milk for that. But the truth is, goyim, that milk is a deadly poison! Switch from cow’s milk to goat’s milk and the symptoms will abate.

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The Town of Allopath

If you’ve ever wondered why we keep getting sicker and sicker and fatter and fatter this video is the answer.

That old man had a crazy idea. “And that crazy idea is that PREVENTION is the answer! Not the mere treatment of symptoms.”

Dr. Mercola

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