The Illuminati Hate Jay Z & Beyonce

Jay Z Gatsby

Psalm 113:7 The LORD raises the needy from the dust,
lifts the poor from the ash heap,

8 Seats them with princes,
the princes of the people,

In the Original Gatsby an ashkenazi Jew who got rich from the market crash and bootlegging tries to get back his blue blood Jewish love. The East Coast Establishment like George W treat africans as subhuman. Skull & Bones Brown Brothers Harriman. The Rockefellers and their drug laws. They all hate parvenus. The Nouveu Riche.IN the bible hell was an ash heap outside of jerusalem that constantly burned garbage. That is what Jesus called Gehenna. I’m gonna burn David De Rothschilds global warming book when Pope Francis retires on my 50th birthday. Blue Ivy is Croatian. The super rich go to Croatia with heir yachts in the summer. Croats sell them ice cream. Kany made his Whitney Houston art because she was from the tribe of Judah.

CBS’ “Blue Bloods” purports to be about multigenerational Staten Island cop … A secret society exists within the NYPD, with evidence that slain …

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The Great Gatsby and the Synagogue of Satan

Great Gatsby

Gatsby is a Khazar parvenu bootlegger. He wants to desperately part of the blue blood synagogue of satan.


Khazars may be converts but they are not the synagogue of satan.

Gatsby Fireworks


European Royalty are from the blood of JUdah. Many stories about them hunting children and drinking baby blood are probably true. They are the true synagogue of satan from revelations 2 and 3.

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