Nelly Furtado’s Big Hoops Illuminati Analysis

Nelly Furtado Eye Illuminati

This is not the eye of Lucifer. It it is the eye of God. The eye of providence. Nelly Furtado wants the eye of God to see her.

Nelly Furtado Ear

Nelly Furtado wants the ear of God to hear her. Jim Carrey copied Nelly when he talked about the NWO on Jimmmy Kimmel. Only the court jester can tell the truth.

Native Dees

Nelly Furtado has been trying to shed light on the Canadian genocide. This is not the first time she has sang for the native canadians. She sang for the missing native women on CBC 10 years ago. The mystery is yet to be solved over who is killing these women. Natives in Canada are turning to Iranian TV to reveal the truth. From what I’ve seen the corruption and genocide go all the way to the top. To the Queen. Nobody talks about the native children that disappeared during her visit to Canada in the 70’s.

Nelly Furtado Black Swan

Here we see a new alter ego come out. A new personality. The black swan. Most swans are white. When you see a black swan it’s a surprise. Black swans are events that are unlikely and unpredictable, like 9/11 or the Challenger disaster. In black swan theory a bad black swan is easily noticeable while a good black swan may take a long time to become apparent.

Black Swan Markets

A “black swan event” as something both unlikely and unpredictable that has a huge impact within whatever area it occurs. Part of the impact is due to the way we think about extremely unlikely events; most of us tend to equate “extremely unlikely” with “it will never happen.” Thus, we fail to adequately prepare for extreme events, and the negative impact of the event is magnified. We build levees strong enough to withstand 50 year storms, and a 100 year storm comes along. We think we have an adequately balanced portfolio, and one bad month in the market wipes out half of our net worth.

Birds make themselves look bigger when threatened by predators. Nelly tries to make herself look bigger by walking on stilts. She also turns into a computer generated giant. Wall Street behaves like a flock of birds. Once big bird panics the rest of the birds panic. Time will tell which stars come out on top during the next financial panic or lose most of their net worth. We are gonna see savings wiped out. A financial giant will fall during this next market crash. Joseph Kennedy made a fortune during the roaring twenties buying stocks. He made even more taking a short position in 1929, before the great depression.

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Illuminati Symbolism in Lights’ Up We Go

Lights Illuminati Logo

Hi hi hi there, my little droogies. This is a post about Canadian singer Lights.

The video starts out in an elevator. You can see Lights’ all seeing eye logo in the background.

Lights Illuminati Atlas

Some wrestlers get on the elevator and fight it out over Lights’ great beauty. The wrestler on the left is the alpha male and the one on the right is the beta male. They want to give Lights the ol’ in out real savage. They are too busy fighting each other to run game on Lights. Game is finished. Every young devotchka has read the book by Neil Strauss.


Atlas is an Illuminati symbol. David Rockefeller, the starry vek who rules America, is a big Ayn Rand fan. He reads the book “The Virtue of Selfishness” to his children every night.

Lights Rosary

Next a ptitsa and her boyfriend get on the elevator at level 6. 6 corresponds to the tarot card the lovers. She wears a rosary as she fornicates. This bird has no shame.

Rosary Winehouse

The 150 “Hail Marys” of the full rosary were originally intended to represent the 150 psalms. You might remember Amy Winehouse, the drunken yahoodi singer wore the rosary. It was in style to wear a rosary last decade, this one not so much.

Lights Lion Tattoo

Lights has a lion tattoo that represents Jesus. Jesus is Lights’ savior. I can see myself doing the tolchoking and nailing in. I’d like to drive in the brokve. Especially to all these false messiahs like Russell Brand, Kanye West, Bono and Brad Pitt (Shiloh).

Light Logo

Only Christus Rex is the real messiah. He took away the pain in my gulliver with his naturopathic remedies. PRAISE BOG!

Light Hogs and Sheep

Floor 12 is where the stockbrokers get their rooker full of money. There are two types of losing traders to the bears and bulls, hogs and sheep. Baa! Baa! They bleat as the stock goes down or up and they lose their hard earned novce to these swindlers.

Lights Illuminati Eye Up We Go

Now we get to the highlight of the video. Lights is on Floor 13 with Lucifer’s all seeing oka. What goes on, on floor 13?

Floor 13 Game

This is a democracy! We can’t just let people who don’t like us walk around without hassling them!” The above quote probably sums up your role in Floor 13 rather succinctly. You play the role of the director general of intelligence for the British government although on paper you’re the “director of fishing and agriculture”

Play this game now.

Here is the full video. Until next time my brothers and only friends.

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Illuminati Symbolism in Madonna’s MDNA Concert

The central theme of the show is darkness to light. It is divided into four sections: Transgression, Prophecy, Masculine/Feminine and Redemption.

MDNA Incense

The concert starts with a bell, a Gregorian chant and a giant incense burner swinging back and forth. This is prophecy:

‘Another angel with a golden censer came and stood at the altar; he was given a great quantity of incense to offer with the prayers of the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.’ (Revelation 8:3-4)

Mdna Demon

A demon is a supernatural, often malevolent being prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, and folklore.


It was during the late Middle Ages that the full stereotype of demonic witchcraft developed in Europe.

MDNA Demons

In Jewish medieval lore Lilith was the first wife of Adam. Both she and Adam were made from the dust of the Earth so Lilith thought she was equal to Adam. The Queen of Demons, Lilith is a Feminist icon.

MDNA All Seeing Eye

The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle.

Lucifer–an eternal being–is now named Satan, the devil, the king of death, and the god of this world. Scripture warns us about Lucifer’s current obsession: to twist God’s word, to lead souls to spiritual death, and to assail his wrath against earth’s inhabitants–those whom Christ died for.

Declaratio of Human Rights

The All-Seeing Eye is also emblematic of the pineal gland or third eye. The Third Eye can be seen above the French Declaration of Human Rights in a 1789 painting.


Mary is often pictured with a crown or halo of stars. The New Testament’s Book of Revelation (12:1, 2 & 5) describes the Woman of the Apocalypse: And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth …. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne

MDNA Satan

The next scene is descent into hell. Satan appears as a shadow. Satan has cast a dark shadow over America. The end-times are upon us and that is why insanity seems to reign on every front.


Romans 5:14 mentions Adam’s transgression, referring to Adam’s transgression of eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden. Eve seduced by Satan under the form of a serpent, of their own free will, transgressed the prohibition of God (Gen. 1:16, 17) to eat of the tree of knowledge.

MDNA Angel

Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

MDNA Heart

The Sacred Heart is often depicted in Christian art as a flaming heart shining with divine light, pierced by the lance-wound, encircled by the crown of thorns.

Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart is one of the most famous religious devotions to Jesus’ physical heart as the representation of his divine love for humanity.


The all-seeing eye is the elite’s favorite symbol. It represents the eye of Lucifer, seeing all and is usually atop a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of compartmentalization.

MDNA Nicki

Nicki Minaj in a witch’s hat underneath Lucifer’s all seeing eye.

Nicki has revealed in several interviews that the abusive nature of her upbringing forced her to create alter egos to escape her troubles. She has stated that her first identity was named “cookie” and it “stayed with her for a while”. Her next identity was “Barbie”. Barbie and dolls are programming tools for Monarch victims who are often programmed with doll personalities.

Wicked Witch

The movie The Wizard of Oz is used by Monarch handlers to program their slaves. Symbols and meanings in the movie become triggers in the slave’s mind.

MDNA Pierced Heart

The abuse Nicki Minaj suffers and continues to suffer pierces the heart of Jesus.

“They shall look on him, whom they have pierced.” “John’s Gospel is at pains to tell us how meaningful the event of the piercing of Jesus’ heart truly is: the Church originates from the opened side of Christ on the Cross [from which blood and water flowed].


The number 7 is equally sacred amongst Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. In the Apocalypse seven angels are described as having the seven last plagues. As in the trumpets and seals, the number of completion, seven, is used.

MDNA Immortality

The backdrop shows scenes from a graveyard. The word IMMORTALITY is flashed on the screen. The acacia, in the mythic system of Freemasonry, is preeminently the symbol of the immortality of the soul.

MDNA Faith

Masonic Rituals lay considerable stress on “Faith, Hope and Charity”, which are said to be the three Principal Moral Virtues.


Resurrection (not death) has always been the hope of God’s people.

This hope was based upon the promise of God:

“I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes” (Hosea 13:14).

This hope is clearly expressed by Job:

“For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me” (Job 19:25-27).

Paul confirms that without the resurrection, there would be no hope:

“And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” (I Corinthians 15:17-19).

In fact Paul, devotes his longest chapter to this vital subject of resurrection (I Corinthians 15).

MDNA Bones

The symbol of the Skull and Crossbones, often called the Memento Mori, is a grim reminder of our own mortality. The skull and two bones meant resurrection to the Knights Templar. The skull and cross-bones, alluded to Gol’gotha – “the place of the skull”


God help us to remain faithful to Him in these perilous times!

Ah yes friend, there’s a lot of evil in this world, but there’s also light. And I have been sent to shine a light on all degenerates, philanerderers, Liberals and other evil doers and expose them for what they really are. Don’t waste your money on unnessacery and corrupting material possessions, give it to me. There’s only one thing that will save you. A highly fortified structure in the shape of the most powerful thing on the planet, me. Degenerates will ruin this great world. In my wonderful book I tell of the impending disaster about to befall this planet, nuclear holocaust, plagues of flying rodents, the seas rising up and turning yellow. It is coming, it is written by me but you can save yourself. Contribute to the Pastor Richards Salvation Statue Fund, pick up your telephone call now, 1-866-9SAVEME

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