End of Poverty & Kali Yuga

The Sassoon family, known as “Rothschilds of the East” due to the immense wealth they accumulated in finance and trade, is of Baghdadi Jewish descent and international renown.

Kalki & India

The rich & powerful people will dominate the poor people. Many diseases will spread. At the end of Kali Yuga, lord Vishnu will take birth on earth to wipe out the sinners.

Mahdi & Pakistan:

What hadiths tell us is that Imam Mahdi’s (aj) war with the oppressors and tyrants will take eight months and after that, all countries will fall under his rule and a just universal government will be established, eliminating all kufr, shirk and hypocrisy. This will result in no other unjust ruler ever ruling again, and many social sins not taking place anymore. The earth will give out all of its hidden treasures and the poor will be given back their rights that have been taken away by the rich, to the extent that there will no longer be any need for giving charity to anyone, because all are rich and needless.

The Himalayas & Maiteya:

“No soul should have to live on welfare, on limited means, or to have to live in the streets unless they choose to do so.” – Maitreya.

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The Nature of the Diaspora

Deuteronomy 4:27 Then the LORD will scatter you among the peoples

The Lord commanded the Jewish People to scatter amongst the Nations to become leaders,as well as Entertainers and other jobs. So let it be written so let it be done.

When the Advent of the Illuminati began in 1776 the goal was to make one human family with the tribe of Judah in almost everyone’s family tree. Enlightenment is another word for Illumination. E PLURIBUS UNUM was the motto of America. ONE FROM MANY. They fulfill the prophecies to bring the True Religion. All 7 major religion and even cults are integrated into the Theosophic religion. What is truth is repeated. What is false is discarded. Critical thinking, not Skepticism, will teach us what is truth. Minds need to be open to function just like a parachute.

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Roseanne and the Haunted House Exodus

U love halloween roseanne. I’m rounding up the Sephardic Jews. Bush 322 Illuminati lodge pet goat am i. Lopez is sephardic name. Rodriguez like a rod too. We have to heal from shell shock of 911 before going to Israel. 2020 vision of Madonna leader of USA and u as new Golda Meir. There is the tunnel of terror selena gomez went through back alley. gotta deprogram u in greenest city. U called my clockwork orange avatar was moshiach. U aren’t a pleb. U understand i’m trying to brainwash out the ultraviolence. To prove my loyalty i’ll erase Rotten Roseanne post by max gold. erasure is good music.

SHALOM EWS KSW SK seven virtues. Keep acronyms working sez gentle giant

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