Maradona Speaks Out About Banks and Freemasonry


This is a letter in Italian by Maradona:

“Ciao Tiki Taka, un’espressione che va benissimo per il titolo di un programma, ma non come sistema di gioco.
E’ meglio giocare il calcio alla Maradona, con la fantasia e col cuore in campo e per la gente.
Capisco che sono cambiate tante cose da quando ero un protagonista in campo.
Il calcio è cambiato tantissimo.
Non c’è più Maradona ma nemmeno Gullit, Platini, Van Basten, Mattheus.
Ora si corre solo e basta, non c’è più una bandiera, senza sentimenti.
Solo denaro.
Cento milioni di euro spesi dal Real Madrid per Gareth Bale?
Ferlaino mi comprò per soli 14 miliardi di lire, ma lui non era povero era soltanto furbo.
Però non invidio nulla e nessuno del calcio attuale.
Ai miei tempi il pallone era vero, io giocavo di fantasia, trascinandomi dietro 10 giocatori per vincere il mondiale o lo scudetto.
A questo proposito la Roma sta giocando bene ed è prima, ma fine a maggio tutto può succedere:
ci sono tante squadre che possono lottare per lo scudetto.
Oramai nel campionato italiano, oggi contano molto il potere i soldi, ma il Napoli con altri investimenti potrebbe sorprendere le avversarie.
Però non deve sbagliare certe partite.
Venerdì a Roma sono rimasto molto deluso e stupito, ho visto un Napoli in campo con la paura, i ragazzi non hanno giocato.
E’ anche vero che sono stati sfortunati e spero che si prende presto Higuain.
E’ un grande bomber, però come argentino preferisco Tevez, perchè nello stare vicino alla gente assomiglia a me.
Mi piace anche Balotelli, è giovane e bravo, crescerà.
E non voglio fargli la predica, non faccio il maestro di nessuno, ne posso dire a nessuno di seguire oppure no i miei esempi.
Gli consiglio solo di pensare sempre con il cuore.
Di essere se stesso come lo sono io anche in questa mia battaglia di legalità.
Mi sono messo sempre contro i potenti e hanno sempre tentato di farmela pagare, ma resto dalla parte della gente e chi mi fa del male non avrà vita facile.
Nei miei confronti è scattata una gogna mediatica, cavilli assurdi relativi ad una mancata difesa su di una violazione inesistente.
Cose degne di un paese dominato dalle massonerie e dalle banche, che vive di burocrazia e falsi scoop.
In questo Paese non c’è certezza della pena eppure si stanno accanendo fiscalmente su di me, senza una prova, contro un cittadino straniero che poco capiva di tributi e non ha interessi economici in Italia,
Tanto da rimetterci solo orologi e orecchini.
Se mi fossi chiamato Esposito o Bianchi non avrei avuto questo trattamento persecutorio.
Ma io sono Maradona, dentro e fuori dal campo, da anni Equitalia si fa pubblicità col mio nome, quanto tutti hanno capito
che non ho mai rubato ne sono mai stato un evasore.
Ma non è l’unico paradosso.
Dopo oltre 20 anni ho finalmente assistito ad una partita del Napoli, solo perchè invitato dalla Roma: possibile che non sia stata mai l’occasione per portarmi al San Paolo?
E’ paradossale che per veder giocare il mio Napoli, sia costretto ad andare all’Olimpico.
La vita di Maradona è lunga, dopo tutto l’amore e le gioie che ho dato, il premio di poter tornare a far parte del Napoli sarebbe la giusta riconoscenza.
Io mi occuperò sempre di calcio e sport, se Dio vuole, anche in Italia.
Maradona è ancora lontano dall’essere bollato come un pensionato…
Un abbraccio a tutti”.

Here is the English Translation:

“Hello Tiki Taka, an expression which is fine for the title of a program, but not as a gaming system.
It ‘better to play football on Maradona, with the imagination and heart on the field and for the people.
I understand that many things have changed since I was a protagonist in the field.
Football has changed a lot.
There is no more nor Gullit Maradona, Platini, Van Basten, Mattheus.
Now it just runs and nothing else, there is no longer a flag, without feelings.
Only money.
One hundred million euro spent by Real Madrid for Gareth Bale?
Ferlaino I bought it for only 14 billion lire, but he was not poor it was just smart.
But I do not envy anyone or anything of football today.
In my time the ball was true, I was playing fantasy, dragging behind 10 players to win the World Cup or the Scudetto.
In this regard the Roma is playing well and it’s before, but anything can happen late in May:
there are so many teams that can fight for the title.
Now in the Italian league, today rely heavily on the power of money, but Napoli with other investments might surprise the enemy.
But should not miss some games.
In Rome on Friday I was very disappointed and surprised, I saw a Naples in the field with the fear, the boys have not played.
It ‘also true that you were unlucky and I hope that you take early Higuain.
It ‘a great striker, but as I prefer Argentine Tevez, because in being close to people like me.
I also like Balotelli is young and talented, will grow.
And I will not let him preach, I’m not the master of none, I can tell anyone to follow or not my examples.
The only advice to always think with your heart.
To be himself as I am also in this battle of my legality.
I always put against the powerful and have always tried to make me pay, but the rest of the people and who hurts me will not have an easy life.
To me it is a shame the media taken, quibbles absurd relating to a failure to defend a breach of non-existent.
Things worthy of a country dominated by Freemasonry and the banks, who lives bureaucracy and false scoops.
In this country there is no certainty of punishment are yet to argue against tax on me, without a trial, against a foreign national who understood little of taxes and has no financial interest in Italy,
So much to lose only watches and earrings.
If I had called Esposito Bianchi or I would not have had this persecutory treatment.
But I’m Maradona, on and off the field for years Equitalia advertises itself with my name, because everyone understood
I’ve never stolen’ve never been a fugitive.
But it is not the only paradox.
After over 20 years I finally saw a lot of Naples, just because invited by Rome may not have been ever get the chance to take me to St. Paul?
And ‘paradoxical to see that play my Naples, and forced to go to the Olimpico.
Maradona’s life is long, after all the love and joy that I gave the prize to come back to be part of Naples would be the right gratitude.
I’ll take care always football and sport, if God wills, even in Italy.
Maradona is still far from being branded as a retired …
A hug to everyone. ”

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Lauryn Hill’s Letter on the Music Business

Lauryn Hill

It was reported yesterday that Ms. Lauryn Hill has been charged with three counts of misdemeanor failure to file taxes.  These charges were incurred for the years of 2005-2007, during a time in which Ms. Hill had removed herself and her family from society, in order to keep them safe, healthy, and free from danger.  In response to these charges, Ms. Hill has issued the following statement:

“For the past several years, I have remained what others would consider underground.  I did this in order to build a community of people, like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda.  Having put the lives and needs of other people before my own for multiple years, and having made hundreds of millions of dollars for certain institutions, under complex and sometimes severe circumstances, I began to require growth and more equitable treatment, but was met with resistance.  I entered into my craft full of optimism (which I still possess), but immediately saw the suppressive force with which the system attempts to maintain it’s control over a given paradigm.  I’ve seen people promote addiction, use sabotage, black listing, media bullying and any other coercion technique they could, to prevent artists from knowing their true value, or exercising their full power.  These devices of control, no matter how well intentioned (or not), can have a devastating outcome on the lives of people, especially creative types who must grow and exist within a certain environment and according to a certain pace, in order to live and create optimally.

I kept my life relatively simple, even after huge successes, but it became increasingly obvious that certain indulgences and privileges were expected to come at the expense of my free soul, free mind, and therefore my health and integrity.  So I left a more mainstream and public life, in order to wean both myself, and my family, away from a lifestyle that required distortion and compromise as a means for maintaining it.  During this critical healing time, there were very few people accessible to me who had not already been seduced or affected by this machine, and therefore who could be trusted to not try and influence or coerce me back into a dynamic of compromise. Individual growth was expected to take place unnaturally, or stagnated outright, subject to marketing and politics.  Addressing critical issues like pop culture cannibalism or its manipulation of the young at the expense of everything, was frowned upon and discouraged by limiting funding, or denying it outright.  When one has a prolific creative output like I did/do, and is then forced to stop, the effects can be dangerous both emotionally and psychologically, both for the artist and those in need of that resource.  It was critically important that I find a suitable pathway within which to exist, without being distorted or economically strong-armed.

During this period of crisis, much was said about me, both slanted and inaccurate, by those who had become dependent on my creative force, yet unwilling to fully acknowledge the importance of my contribution, nor compensate me equitably for it.  This was done in an effort to smear my public image, in order to directly affect my ability to earn independently of this system.  It took a long time to locate and nurture a community of people strong enough to resist the incredibly unhealthy tide, and more importantly see through it.  If I had not been able to make contact with, and establish this community, my life, safety and freedom, would have been directly affected as well as the lives, safety and freedom of my family.  Failure to create a non toxic, non exploitative environment was not an option.

As my potential to work, and therefore earn freely, was being threatened, I did whatever needed to be done in order to insulate my family from the climate of hostility, false entitlement, manipulation, racial prejudice, sexism and ageism that I was surrounded by.  This was absolutely critical while trying to find and establish a new and very necessary community of healthy people, and also heal and detoxify myself and my family while raising my young children.

There were no exotic trips, no fleet of cars, just an all out war for safety, integrity, wholeness and health, without mistreatment denial, and/or exploitation.  In order to liberate myself from those who found it ok to oppose my wholeness, free speech and integral growth by inflicting different forms of punitive action against it, I used my resources to sustain our safety and survival until I was able to restore my ability to earn outside of it!

When artists experience danger and crisis under the effects of this kind of insidious manipulation, everyone easily accepts that there was something either dysfunctional or defective with the artist, rather than look at, and fully examine, the system and its means and policies of exploiting/’doing business’.  Not only is this unrealistic, it is very dark in its motivation, conveniently targeting the object of their hero worship by removing any evidence that they ‘needed’ or celebrated this very same resource just years, months or moments before.  Since those who believe they need a hero/celebrity outnumber the actual heroes/celebrities, people feel safe and comfortably justified in numbers, committing egregious crimes in the name of the greater social ego.  Ironically diminishing their own true hero-celebrity nature in the process.

It was this schism and the hypocrisy, violence and social cannibalism it enabled, that I wanted and needed to be freed from, not from art or music, but the suppression/repression and reduction of that art and music to a bottom line alone, without regard for anything else.  Over-commercialization and its resulting restrictions and limitations can be very damaging and distorting to the inherent nature of the individual.  I Love making art, I Love making music, these are as natural and necessary for me almost as breathing or talking.  To be denied the right to pursue it according to my ability, as well as be properly acknowledged and compensated for it, in an attempt to control, is manipulation directed at my most basic rights!  These forms of expression, along with others, effectively comprise my free speech!  Defending, preserving, and protecting these rights are critically important, especially in a paradigm where veiled racism, sexism, ageism, nepotism, and deliberate economic control are still blatant realities!!!

Learning from the past, insulating friends and family from the influence of external manipulation and corruption, is far more important to me than being misunderstood for a season!  I did not deliberately abandon my fans, nor did I deliberately abandon any responsibilities, but I did however put my safety, health and freedom and the freedom, safety and health of my family first over all other material concerns!  I also embraced my right to resist a system intentionally opposing my right to whole and integral survival.

I conveyed all of this when questioned as to why I did not file taxes during this time period.  Obviously, the danger I faced was not accepted as reasonable grounds for deferring my tax payments, as authorities, who despite being told all of this, still chose to pursue action against me, as opposed to finding an alternative solution.

My intention has always been to get this situation rectified.  When I was working consistently without being affected by the interferences mentioned above, I filed and paid my taxes.  This only stopped when it was necessary to withdraw from society, in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of myself and my family.

As this, and other areas of issue are resolved and set straight, I am able to get back to doing what I should be doing, the way it should be done.  This is part of that process.  To those supporters who were told that I abandoned them, that is untrue.  I abandoned greed, corruption, and compromise, never you, and never the artistic gifts and abilities that sustained me.”

– Source: Tumblr

“Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” Conspiracy Theory song by LAURYN HILL:

[mp3player width=150 height=75 config=fmp_jw_widget_config.xml file=/mp3s/lauyrn-hill-eyes.mp3]

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Unauthorized Posting of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Ritual

Alpha Kappa Alpha

Dear Sir or Madam:

We represent the Sorority with respect to her intellectual property matters. AKA, the U.S. first and oldest collegiate Greek lettered Sorority, is a highly-respected, internationally renowned, private non-profit public service sorority. AKA was founded in 1908 and has a membership of over 200,000 African-American, college-educated women, with hundreds of chapters worldwide.

AKA owns numerous trademarks and service marks that are registered with the U.S. Trademark Office for various word and design marks incorporating her Alpha Kappa Alpha brand (“Sorority Marks”). More specifically, a non-exhaustive list of marks that AKA owns include: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (U.S. Reg. No. 3,153,908 ); AKA (U.S. Reg. No. 3,298,147; 3,733,169; 3,694,726; 3,601,432; 3,601,425; 3,601,347; 3,495,918; and 2,094,598; ); Ivy Leaf (U.S. Reg. No. 3,148,749), her shield (U.S. Reg. No. 1,442,550); the combination mark of AKA in the colors pink & green (U.S. Reg. No. 3,694,726) and her founding year 1908 (U.S. Reg. No. 3,653, 283). In addition, the Sorority has federal protection under the Lanham Act for the following marks: Alpha Kappa Alpha, AKA1908, 20 Pearls and others. Please note, we recently enforced our rights against a major U.S. company that was using the combination of our founding year and colors on their goods without our permission. We were also successful in getting a Washington DC nightclub to change its name wherein it deleted the mark “AKA”.

AKA diligently protects her goodwill and reputation associated with her marks. Merchandise, communications and videos bearing the Sorority Marks may be distributed, published and shown through the Sorority’s authorized licensees only. In addition, the Sorority’s policies strictly prohibit its licensees from displaying, showing or performing videos or any other medium over the internet that contain her intellectual property.

It has recently come to our attention that your company is posting its ritual which is a Sorority protected trade secret. The posting can be found using URL

More specifically, the posting consists of a Sorority ritual circa 1977. Please be advised that your company’s unauthorized posting and publication of the Sorority’s Ritual constitutes, among other things, trademark infringement, unfair competition, trademark dilution, trade secret violation and other causes of action under state and federal law. In particular, your posting is likely to cause irreparable harm by disclosing some of the Sorority’s most cherished secrets, which are and should always be, known only to its membership.

We therefore demand that Conspirazzi immediately (1) cease and desist from any further posting or publication of the Sorority’s Ritual and that all references to it be immediately removed from your website and from all other mediums that you enable or allow another to view, post and/or publish such works. We respectfully request your confirmation that you have ceased all further use of the Sorority Marks together with the complete accounting demanded above by no later than September 2, 2011.

We trust that you will govern yourself accordingly. This letter does not constitute an exhaustive statement of the Sorority’s position, nor does it constitute a waiver or limitation of any of the Sorority’s legal or equitable rights, all of which are expressly reserved. In addition, the Sorority has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of above was not authorized by it, its agent, or the law.

Further, the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am authorized to act on behalf of the Sorority.

Alpha Kappa Alpha

John S. Kendall, Esq.

cc: Ms. Carolyn House Stewart, Esq., President
Ms. Deborah Dangerfield, Executive Director

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