Genesis & the Forgiveness of Homosexuality

When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, He commanded them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion” over all creation (Genesis 1:28).


The world was a different place in 33 BC. There were large houses and open spaces. Today we are packed into cities and overcrowded. This is God’s sign to the homosexuals that they should adopt one or two or three of the 3 billion children living on a dollar a day. Most of the world lives in abject poverty unlike the Western G7 nations.

Ave Regina Mundi Mater Mary

dona eis wunderkinder.

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Why I Snapped At the Mayor of Sim City

Sim City Bank

When i played sim city as a kid in 89 the bank would strangle my city. The kids were better mayors than these wasp mayors like drunken imbecile Rob Ford.


Tikkum olam
moshiach is the answer
unless the lord buildeth they build in vain.

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