Snoop Lion & Filming African Genocide

In theMatrix movie it easier to wake Africans than regular melanin impaired people living in a suburban bubble.
Jewish genocide always gets the hollywood treatment. If snoop defects from Trump Lion (false messiah/god emperor) we can make a grim and so true so real Slavery movie. All it takes is an Ice Kol Kut
Senor Spielbergo gave the Africans hollywood treatment.
A brave director would juxtapose the Jewish whipping of Jesus with the Jewish slave trader whip
John 2:15 So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from …


The Jewish whip & the subhuman slav…

When David Duke visits Russia and tries to recruit us into his helter skelter race war I have to sit back and laugh at his WASP demographic suicide. Make some babies instead of staring at your Stormfront forum. The whip was mild punishment compared to his blitzkrieg tank slaughter of the unter menchen.

All the school children on their knees under their desks fearing subhuman slav Annihilation

Apparently Hitler said this as the Red Army approached Berlin:

”The Slavs have defeated us. They have smashed our land, our nation, our ideology…
This signifies them as an aryan race and they will force this world in the knees…’

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Top Ten Hollywood MK-Ultra Victims

I’ll name ten Hollywood starlets and give reasons why I believe they could be MK-Ultra victims.

One of these ten women could be an MK-Ultra victim. Or five might victims and five aren’t. Maybe all ten are victims. I don’t know. The important thing is if this sort of thing goes on and Roseanne Barr is telling the truth, the CIA and MK-Ultra rules Hollywood. If even one of these women are a victim then justice needs to be served and secrets brought to light.

#1. Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie Shh

Angelina Jolie likes to cut herself. Cutting is usually a sign of some sort of abuse usually physical or sexual. She seems to be in Omega mode lately in the tabloids. To slowly kill yourself is known as code green. Angelina Voight has been cutting herself like a Virginia Ham on Thanskgiving. That was the line Angelina used when she confronted the now dead Brittany Murphy on her cutting in Girl Interuppted.

Angelina Voight shills for the United Nations World Government. Her Father is a shill for Israel. She seems to be estranged from Jon Voight because of the Illuminati. In Tombraider the only lines she ever shared with her Father onscreen was about the Illuminati. The Illuminat are the ones creating these mind controlled slaves through their intelligence agencies.

Angelina was in The Good Shepherd a movie about the CIA. She seemed to be specifically picked for the role because the Skull & Bones secret society and their control of the CIA and their work in mind control. I think Robert Deniro suspects she is one of the women at Rothschild’s parties like in the movie Eyes Wide Shut. Angelina has good reason to be paranoid and mentally ill while she’s surrounded by people from organizations like the CFR and the United Nations.

That picture of her with a horse is just not right. She is #1 MK Ultra victim for sure.

#2. Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is another cutter with mysterious mental problems like Angelina Voight. I think the diagnosis is bipolar. She was raised by Disney like Britney Spears. She hasn’t shaved her head but she was in Princess Protection Program which reminded me of Eyes Wide Shut. What if she isn’t bipolar but a Monarch slave that needs programming from time to time from her handlers? I don’t trust the Disney company. It seems to draw pedophiles who want to work with little kids.

#3. Britney Spears

Britney Spears

Britney Spears also has mental problems and used Monarch symbols in alot of her videos. She was also raised by Disney. There are alot of videos on youtube about Britney’s mind control. K-fed said he suspects she is a multiple. She goes into different voices for different personalities. Everyone remembers when she shaved her head while wearing the 666 star of Solomon.

#4 Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Shh

Miley Cyrus is even raunchier than Britney. I think she gives President Clinton blowjobs.

#5. Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman’s father died amid pedophile allegations. Kid man is a name for a child white slaver. Did Nicole Kidman’s father come from a long line of white child slavers? She was the star of Eyes Wide Shut. I think Stanley Kubrick hired her because he knew of the Satanic child slaver history. Kidman’s father was accused of being part of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult which included Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Francis. I think Kidman’s dad was like Milich from Eyes Wide Shut selling his daughter into slavery.

#6. Halle Berry

Halle Berry

Halle Berry revealed she tried to kill herself when she divorced from David Justice. She made a movie about multiple personality disorder called Frankie & Alice. She was also in a movie called Gothika with Penelope Cruz about Psychiatric abuse by sadistic doctors. Halle Berry is either trying to shed light on the problem or is a victim herself.

#7 Madonna

Madonna Shh

Madonna admits to being raped when she first came to New York. She also lived in an abandoned synagogue there and made Satanic films like one called A Certain Sacrifice. She seems to show all the sings of being a beta sex kitten. She is another star who uses alot of Monarch symbolism in her videos. I’ve read that Kabbalah is used in programming in the Illuminati mind control book by Fritz Sprinmeier. Fritz alleges Madonna was a replacement for Marilyn Monroe. I personally think Kissinger and Associates keeps her in New York to be close to the action in the United Nations. People allege that Dr. K is an MK-Ultra pimp, the most glamorous job in counter intelligence. I really believe Henry Kissinger is the pimp of all pimps keeping his ho’s in check with his poop fetish blackmail. Oh Henry!

#8. Catherine Zeta Jones

Zeta Jones Shh

Zeta Jones was in softcore porn when she was younger. She seems to need to go for tune ups for bipolar disorder. What’s the story with these Hollywood starlets? I’m starting to see a pattern of sexualized, exploited, beta sex kitten slaves getting pimped out by Kissinger and the Rothschilds for their sex parties. I have the least evidence for Zeta Jones but I’ll include her in the list.

#9. Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts Conspiracy Theory

In the movie Conspiracy Theory Mel Gibson is the victim while Julia Roberts plays a justice attorney. I’ve read that Julia Roberts came from an abusive household. She had an abusive stepfather. Maybe it wasn’t Mel’s character that was the victim in that movie. Her brother Eric Roberts tried to get her to talk about it but she’s keeping her mouth shut. She plays the happy hooker in Pretty Woman, the role that brought her to stardom. Most of these stars come from poor backgrounds I can see how the ones from abusive, incestous homes full of trauma get hand picked for stardom and Monarch slavery.

#10. Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

People are very familiar with Nicki Minaj’s MPD. She openly admits to having multiple personality disorder. She came from an abusive home with an abusive father. I think the abuse was sexual in nature and that it continues now that she is a star and can influence the youth.


One Monarch star is one too many. If you want to know more read Cathy O’Brien’s book Trance Formation of America.

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