Justin Bieber’s Illuminati Owl Tattoo

Bieber Owl Tattoo

Justin Bieber’s got a brand new tattoo, an owl.

Owl Dollar Bill

You will find the OWL next to the One in the Dollar Bill and next to the White House in Washington DC.

Washington Owl

The mall in Washington DC is laid out so the gardens and streets form the image of an owl.

Illuminati Owl

Drake wore a Bohemian Grove owl shirt at is acceptance speech at the 2011 BET Awards.

Weaving Spiders

Since the founding of the club, the Bohemian Grove’s mascot has been an owl, symbolizing knowledge. These are our nation’s leaders worshipping a 40-foot owl!!! You couldn’t make this stuff up.

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Rihanna’s Illuminati Tattoos

Rihanna shh

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Rihanna believes her tattoos show how spiritual she is.

Rihanna Isis

“My tattoos are all spiritual and show how I feel about religion. I have a falcon which is an Egyptian falcon and is supposed to stand for God.”

Rihanna Horus

Rihanna previously revealed she had the Egyptian tattoo – of the goddess Isis, renowned as the ideal mother and wife – in tribute to her late grandmother Clara ‘Dolly’ Braithwaite.

She wrote on twitter: “Goddess Isis – Complete Woman – Model for future generations – #GRANGRANDOLLY – always in and on my heart #1love. (sic)”

The 24-year-old R&B star has also claimed the tattoos are a form of rebellion, just like many other things in her life.

She added: “[I’m] rebellious through my music, through my fashion, tattoos, and my hair.”

Lord Supper

“The Christian myths were first related of Horus or Osiris, who was the embodiment of divine goodness, wisdom, truth and purity…This was the …

Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet. The opening verse of chapter 13 sets the scene for the whole of chapters 13–17. Love is one of the key terms in chapters …

Chris Brown

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You da one

Rihanna You Da One lyrics : [Intro] You the one that I dream about all day You the one that I think about always You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!

Dollar Bill

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Rihanna Reloaded

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Matrix Reloaded

Rihanna You Da One lyrics : Ain’t no other niggas like you
No there’s just one, one, one No baby just one, one.

written and coded by Morpheus

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