Stari Ned learned about Portuguese one upsmanship carrying jacks up stairs. He took one so the man o war took 2. He took 2 then man o war took 3. So he said frack it and took 2. He quit that job.

Greek apocalypse. Trying to use usury free currency in Greece.
U were JC 33 years old. I’m JCJ backwards and forwards. Me and Sao Mike Moniz sold our souls to the devil because we couldn’t have NF. She was scared of Robocop II nuke in 2010. Then 2013. Then Madonna 2016. Every three years there is a color code scare.
In Hollywood it’s just a battle of handsome men. Psalm 45. Rehearsing some eloquent speech. /HM/ JC vs JCJ. Kanye wants our miracle painting in Chicago so they bury their guns and give their bling to the slika of our lady. Hold the moshiach consciousness Yandhi. Yeezus has chutzpah that’s y he is my equal. Napoleon the worthless or Hitler the terrible thought no man was their = equal