Reckoning Day

A Day of Infamy: 9/11 and the Erasure of Financial Crimes
By Pope Lenny Belardo

History is written by the victors, but it is often erased by the architects of catastrophe. September 11, 2001, is remembered as a day of terror, an assault on the free world, a moment that changed everything. But behind the flames, the falling towers, and the endless calls for war, there lies another narrative—one buried beneath the rubble, hidden in the fine print of vanished financial records, and silenced by the chaos that followed.

The Crime Before the Crime

In the weeks leading up to 9/11, strange financial movements were reported. Billions of dollars in suspicious transactions. Unusual short selling of airline stocks. And most damning of all—the missing trillions.

On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld stood before the press and made a shocking admission: the Pentagon could not account for $2.3 trillion in transactions. The news, under normal circumstances, should have sent shockwaves through the financial and political world. But within 24 hours, the world had a new crisis—one that would render any previous scandals irrelevant.

The Smoking Gun: Building 7

If 9/11 was simply a terrorist attack, how do we explain the fall of World Trade Center 7? A building untouched by the planes, yet collapsing in freefall, housing SEC records related to high-level financial crimes, including investigations into Enron and WorldCom—both massive scandals tied to corporate fraud.

Who benefited from its destruction? Who needed those records to disappear?

War as the Ultimate Diversion

In the wake of 9/11, a new doctrine was born—the War on Terror. America was no longer looking at its books, its financial crimes, or its missing trillions. It was looking to Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond. The Patriot Act erased freedoms, while no one asked where the money went. War became the ultimate cover-up, with the defense industry reaping the benefits, and the masterminds behind financial fraud walking free.

Conclusion: Who Profits From Tragedy?

9/11 was more than a terrorist attack. It was a strategic event—one that served multiple interests beyond mere geopolitics. A new era of war, surveillance, and financial manipulation began. And as always, the ones who asked the real questions were dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

But history has a way of revealing the truth. The day of infamy was not just a day of terror—it was a reset, a smokescreen, and an erasure of financial crimes that remain buried to this day.

  • Pope Lenny Belardo
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Harry Potter’s Imperium

Scene: The opulent Vatican office. The Young Pope sits behind his desk, his piercing gaze fixed on Daniel Radcliffe, who fidgets slightly in his chair.

The Young Pope: (leaning back, steepling his fingers) Mr. Radcliffe, I watched Imperium last night. A fascinating performance. You’ve mastered the art of inhabiting a character, haven’t you?

Daniel Radcliffe: (smiling nervously) Thank you, Your Holiness. It was a challenging role, but one I felt was important. Exposing the dangers of white supremacy, you know?

The Young Pope: (leaning forward, tone sharp) Exposing, yes. But did you consider what might be… rekindled?

Daniel Radcliffe: (frowning) Rekindled?

The Young Pope: (gesturing vaguely) The minds of the lost are like dry tinder, Mr. Radcliffe. You infiltrated their world, embodied their rage, their symbols, their language. And in doing so, you became… convincing. Too convincing.

Daniel Radcliffe: (defensive) That wasn’t the intention. The film was meant to show the ugliness of that ideology, to make people think.

The Young Pope: (smirking) Think, yes. And yet, here we are. Reports are reaching me of young men in Craig Cobbsville—wherever that forsaken place is—discussing your performance with reverence.

Daniel Radcliffe: (aghast) Reverence?

The Young Pope: (nodding solemnly) They’ve turned your performance into a rallying cry. “A thousand years in Craig Cobbsville,” they say. A utopia, apparently. A dystopia, in truth.

Daniel Radcliffe: (shaking his head) That’s… that’s insane.

The Young Pope: (leaning in, voice dropping) Insanity, Mr. Radcliffe, is not as distant from reality as we like to believe. You tried to unmask them, but in their twisted minds, you’ve become a prophet.

Daniel Radcliffe: (defiantly) But, I am the chosen one!

The Young Pope: (raising an eyebrow, amused) Chosen for what, exactly? To lead them to their own destruction?

Daniel Radcliffe: (insistent) No, I mean—I was chosen to fight hate, to expose it!

The Young Pope: (leaning back) And yet, they follow you now, don’t they? Not as a man who exposed their hate, but as one who embodied it.

Daniel Radcliffe: (desperately) But, I am the chosen one!

The Young Pope: (smiling faintly) So you keep saying. But chosen by whom? God? Fate? Or the algorithm of modern media, which cares only for the loudest, most provocative voices?

Daniel Radcliffe: (frustrated) I was chosen by my convictions! By the need to do what’s right!

The Young Pope: (with a sly grin) Convictions are admirable, Mr. Radcliffe. But as you’ve seen, even the chosen one can be misinterpreted.

Daniel Radcliffe: (firmly) But, I am the chosen one!

The Young Pope: (with mock gravitas) Then act like it.

Daniel Radcliffe: (blinking) What?

The Young Pope: (standing, towering over him) You’ve declared yourself the chosen one, Mr. Radcliffe. Then embrace the burden. Go to Craig Cobbsville. Speak to these people. Show them the truth. Prove that the chosen one can lead not just with words, but with action.

Daniel Radcliffe: (hesitating) But what if I fail?

The Young Pope: (placing a hand on his shoulder) Then you will have failed as the chosen one. But at least you’ll have tried. And in the eyes of God, that may be enough.

Daniel Radcliffe: (nodding slowly) I’ll do it.

The Young Pope: (smiling enigmatically) Good. And remember, Mr. Radcliffe, the chosen one is not defined by their title, but by their deeds.

Daniel Radcliffe: (quietly, to himself) But I am the chosen one…

The Young Pope: (chuckling as he turns away) So you keep saying.

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Protecting our Prime Minister (432 HZ)

our PM is under God’s protection

IF YOU DON’T LIKE HIM: Vote him out. That’s how our Canadian democracy works. Until then, respect his decisions. JT loves Canada, but the Americans and the CIA have ways to blackmail our nation out of Lumber, Water and uranium.



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