Rebecca Lord VS The Young Pope

be fruitful and multiply was the Pope’s battle cry.

Jesus was kind to sex workers. Tom Hanks says he even married one.
My Templar Knights have taken Jerusalem. Destroyed Babylon.

The NWO types are trying to depopulate my believers countries. They say we are too many. So go nuts. Get your sexercise. I bet Rebecca has frozen eggs. The Rothschild’s have the selfish genes (monopoly). The Boskovic’s have the altruistic genes. (open source).

The NWO types also vaccinate and cripple our children. So if you don’t want to reproduce under these dystopic conditions I won’t judge you. Judge not lest ye be judged.

WARNING!!! Not safe for work!

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The Young Pope’s Librarian

first book i gave to my children was: Adolf Hitler (Psychopathic God)
this scene is bogus anti pope propaganda
Borat (Croat) is real truth of Croat kiss


 1.1 million printed books in the Vatican Library. Will Google take our booky wooks?

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