The First Rule of Conspirazzi Club

Is you talk to your parents about Conspirazzi club.

I’m building Joe a hotel in Croatia if he makes peace between me and my children.

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12 thoughts on “The First Rule of Conspirazzi Club

  1. Yes, I am a Rothschild, and i appreciate Joe not going Hitler on my family again, which he could of done quite easily.

    He showed mercy to our family patriarch Jacob, just like Isaiah 14 told him to do.

    Edward Norton, you are a shitty actor too, with all your neo nazi and corporate drone fight club white guilt movies.

    The Bad Actor – by Marla Singer

    They step on stage, a heavy sigh,
    Lines mangled, tossed up to the sky.
    Forgotten words, their cue long gone,
    The spotlight lingers, harsh and strong.

    A stumble here, a stifled yawn,
    Emotions flat as fading dawn.
    The audience, in muted awe,
    Watches, wincing, at each flaw.

    Their gestures wild, yet hearts unmoved,
    The story lost, the plot unproved.
    Each note that should have rung with grace,
    Falls empty, echoes in the space.

    But still they try, a final stand,
    With trembling voice, and shaking hand.
    For even those who miss the mark,
    Can sometimes set a spark, a spark.

    Perhaps next act, they’ll get it right,
    In shadows long, or fading light.
    For even actors deemed as bad,
    Can stir a dream, or make you sad.

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