Isaiah 14:16
Downfall of the King of Babylon
…15But you will be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. 16Those who see youwill stare;they will ponderyour fate:“Is thisthe manwho shookthe earthand made the kingdomstremble,17who turned the world into a desert and destroyed its cities, who refused to let the captives return to their homes?”
Angelina wanted the modern Alexander to protect her with snake moshiach jewelry. So my Father Zues struck down her abuser. Dr. Dick Cockafeller.
i know pits are your precious. they are separated not divorced. maybe there is chance with starship trooper suppressed medicine.
angelina is looking at hole in berlin wall seeing how he is trying to heal hex GF. The great dumbing down tombraider prophecy. Cancer Kingpin should of made a bucket list. But he didn’t see it coming.
illuminati wiped the kidney beans off of google image. can’t cure my children. this is soap opera. all my children
pitts the poops…moniz gets it for 8 forca bucks pitt. not 33 million. moniz is king of roxy…./hm/ portuguese guys get it for next to nothing or free. girls would always help eddie the eagle jake….vinny pazienza told me about eddie at brewers park.
single jews jake 1 time a week roosh v. married jews have sex between hole in sheet 1c a week for maximum romance explosion
if the jews taught us to jake but we still have our foreskins not like the jews. jews live in moses desert law. no water for dick washing until the romans came
nazi theory is that romans raped jesus mother mary
will smith is trying to soften the blow on his kids when he rode hershey highway….quincy jones i think….alex jones family….professor griff said will smith had to get fracked in the ass by quincy jones. boulet poop. black Mk ultra. black ss modeled on bonesmen
christ destroys them at the end of days……so arnold sez
nobody wants their gender war but nobody can end their constant warfare.
pitt’s not messiah…women won’t get it throught their heads…he doesn’t care about u undertand? 20 years he hasn’t made a peep. he’s blackmailed somehow…some sort of sexual abuse…just like AJ…its in Marshal Law Book 1 the pitts. the super couple.
the fruit pits are cure for cancer
not shitt poop pitts cutting off body parts
that’s frankenstein quack mediicine
James Hetfield writes a song about it. “Until It Sleeps” is a song James Hetfield wrote to help him cope with losing his mother to cancer.
THe pit is the cure…apricot pit…peach pit 90210…Carly SImon scarf was apricot 1973 completion of nelson & David twin rock towers
u gotta keep AJ out of hospital….
My dollar will win hearts and minds…i’m sending one to every world leader