In 1988, N.W.A. frontman Eazy E rapped about an encounter with a …
Music in psychological operations
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Music has been used in psychological operations. The term music torture is sometimes used by critics of the practice of playing loud music incessantly to prisoners or people besieged.
The United Nations and the European Court of Human Rights have banned the use of loud music in interrogations.[citation needed] The term torture is sometimes used to describe the practice. While it is acknowledged by US interrogation experts that it causes discomfort, it has also been characterized by them as causing no “long-term effects.”[1]
Music and sound have been usually used as part of a combination of interrogation methods, today recognized by international bodies as amounting to torture.[2] Attacking all senses without leaving any visible traces, they have formed the basis of the widely discussed torture in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. They were, however, devised much earlier in the 1950s and early 1960s, as a way to counter so-called Soviet “brainwashing”.[3] They include:
sensory deprivation
stress positions
sleep deprivation
food and drink deprivation
continuous music or sound
What the Americans do to Afghans at their base in Cuba. The eyes of the moon have the mystery of why the Orlando Shooter went on his Jihad. No tears for Afghanistan from the brainwashed Babylonians
Healing Homosexuality: Case Stories of Reparative Therapy
Joseph Nicolosi, Lucy Freeman – 1997 – Psychology
You know, that sort of vanity thing.” This “vanity thing” led to a discussion of the male homosexual’s condition that I call alienation from the body. There is a …
Jihadis wear green because they are immortal with allah
There is only the silence in this cycle of violence. I think Barney the dinosaur was surrounded with pedophiles. I’m glad my father sent that astertoid and made them extinct.
The elders want everything leveled with a big earthquake and financial apocalypse. what kind of babylon song u want demi? boney m?
Psalm 2. “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot [conspire] a vain thing? … “The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion unravels one of the …
This shooter was a queen like the rest in the club. He thought he was the king of queens romancing Stacey Carosi as the dead sardines wash up on the Malibu shores. Queens on ecstasy in a club is not real ecstasy. The kabbalah plastic bottles poison the water. Needs glass.
Psalm 24:3 Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may …
Doogie Howser, M.D. (TV Series 1989–1993)
Corky ‘Life Goes On’ tv (1989–1993)
Jan 15, 2015 – Aficionados claim untested water is healthier than tap water. … A growing number of people are trekking to Lynn Headwaters Park, in North Vancouver, B.C., to fill up jugs of fresh spring water from a pool at the bottom of a steep slope. … Aficionados say spring water is chlorine free …
50 black men die in Chicago every month. why am supposed to give a frack about Orlando?
Jimmy u see everyone trying to wear white in oakland for the vigil. White is the Hindu colour for mourning if you can, please wear white, to vigils/marches/protests. We can not change what has happened.
Revelation 7: The large crowd who were wearing white clothes
Orlando has dyslexia. He won’t believe in kingdom of heaven until he is cured. without the stupid glasses or the colored paper
Isaiah 2:2
In the last days, the mountain of the LORD’s house will be the highest of all–the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship.
They haven’t learned anything about what motivates or shames these shooters. Elliot Rodger was “Walking on Sunshine” like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. American media mindfuck.
everyone is trying to prove they are alpha and get their groupies by trying to beat breivik’s high score.
Wherever Croats come, red and white checkers follow. The most common association of the rose is with the Virgin Mary.
Thank you Madonna! Thank you Red Hot Chili Peppers! Thank you Björk! Thank you Green Day! And a gigantic punk feminist thank you to Sharon Stone.
Priests are gonna call G.I. Joe the devil for that flower Riot.
Lyrics to “Legend” song by NELLY FURTADO: He wants to be, he wants to be, with everything under the sun … You wanted to be Romeo so low at my window